Accelerometry-Based Classification of Wheelchair Propulsion Patterns Using Machine Learning Techniques

Alicia M Koontz , Vishnu Ambur , Dan Ding , Asim Smailagic
Proceedings of the Annual Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Conference

Manual Wheelchair Use and Reported Pain

Alicia M Koontz , Rory A Cooper , Michael L Boninger , Shirley G Fitzgerald
Proceedings of the 27th Annual Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Conference

The feasibility of using Kinect for transfer assessment

John McCutcheon , Seonhong Hwang , Chung-Ying Tsai , Alicia M Koontz
Proceedings of the RESNA Annual Conference 13 -15

Is Upper Limb Muscular Demand Different Between Wheelchair Transfers from the Preferred versus Non-Preferred Side?

Alicia M Koontz , Rory A Cooper , D Gagnon , E Brindle
Proceedings of the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Conference

RESNA Annual Conference-2008

Dany Gagnon , Jennifer L Collinger , Bradley G Impink , Alicia M Koontz

Influence of Gripping Moments during Wheelchair Propulsion on Natural Surfaces

Hongwu Wang , Alicia M Koontz , Jennifer L Collinger , Michael L Boninger
Proceedings of the Annual RESNA Conference

Effects of Surface and Speed on Biomechanics Variables During Steady-State Wheelchair Propulsion

Alicia M Koontz , Jennifer L Collinger , Ian Rice , Elizabeth Timcho
Proceedings of the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Conference

A Comparison Between Overground and Dynamometer Wheelchair Propulsion

Alicia M Koontz , Michael L Boninger , Jennifer L Collinger , I Rice
Proceedings of the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Conference

Investigation of Relationship between Wrist Kinematics and Median Nerve Health in Paraplegic Manual Wheelchair Users at Two Time-points

Alicia M Koontz , Kevin K Toosi , BG Impink , Jennifer L Collinger
Proceedings of the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Conference

Do Stroke Characteristics Change During a High-Intensity 12-minutes Corridor Wheelchair Propulsion Test in Experienced Manual Wheelchair Users?

Alicia M Koontz , Bradley G Impink , Jennifer L Collinger , Michael L Boninger
Proceedings of the Annual Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Conference

Reliability of Quantitative Ultrasound Measures of the Biceps Tendon: A Preliminary Study Among Non-Wheelchair Users

Alicia M Koontz , Michael L Boninger , Bradley G Impink , Jennifer L Collinger
Proceedings of the Annual Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Conference


Rory A Cooper , Carmen P DiGiovine , Michael L Boninger , Sean D Shimada
Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 39 ( 3) 309 -309

Pushrim biomechanics and injury prevention in spinal cord injury: recommendations based on CULP-SCI investigations

Michael L Boninger , Alicia M Koontz , Sue Ann Sisto , Trevor A Dyson-Hudson
Journal of rehabilitation research and development 42 ( 3) 9 -9

Effect of vinyl coated pushrims on wheelchair propulsion kinetics

Alicia M Koontz , Michael L Boninger , Mark A Baldwin , Rory A Cooper
TITLE Proceedings of the RESNA'98 Annual Conference: The State of the Arts and Science (Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 26-30 144 -144

Comparison of three different models to represent the wrist during wheelchair propulsion

Sean D Shimada , Rory A Cooper , Michael L Boninger , Alicia M Koontz
IEEE Transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 9 ( 3) 274 -282

Gender differences in the kinetic features of manual wheelchair propulsion

Alicia M Koontz , Rory A Cooper , Michael L Boninger , Brian T Fay
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society Biomechanics

Propulsion forces and MRI evidence of shoulder impairment

Alicia M Koontz , Michael L Boninger , Jeff Towers , Rory A Cooper
Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics 23rd Annual Meeting 21 -23

Effects of grab bars and backrests on independent wheelchair transfer performance and technique

Alicia M Koontz , Sarah Bass , Hailee Kulich , Rory A Cooper
Physiotherapy Research International e1758 -e1758

Wheelchair propulsion forces and MRI evidence of shoulder impairment

Alicia M Koontz , Michael L Boninger , Rory A Cooper , Mark A Baldwin
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Society Biomechanics

Trunk movement patterns and propulsion efficiency in wheelchair users with and without SCI

Alicia M Koontz , Michael L Boninger , Ian Rice , Yu-Sheng Yang
Proceedings of the American Society Biomechanics 2004 Annual Meeting