Zoya Surani , Ted K Turesky , Eileen Sullivan , Talat Shama
bioRxiv 2024.02. 05.578942 -2024.02. 05.578942
Siobhan Hutchinson , Leslie Hui-Lin Lee , Nadine Gaab , Gottfried Schlaug
Cerebral Cortex 13 ( 9) 943 -949
Katie Overy , Andrea C Norton , Karl T Cronin , Nadine Gaab
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition
Psyche Loui , Aniruddh Patel , Lisa M Wong , Nadine Gaab
Ann NY Acad Sci 1423 7 -9
Nadine Gaab , Gottfried Schlaug
Proceedings of 5th triennial ESCOM Conference
Katie Overy , Andrea Norton , David Alsop , Karl Cronin
NeuroImage 19 ( 2, Supplement) e2988 -e2989
Nadine Gaab , Tino Zaehle , Christian Gaser , Yi Chen
NEUROLOGY 58 ( 7) A264 -A265
Nicolas Langer , Barbara Peysakhovich , Jennifer Zuk , Marie Drottar
Cerebral Cortex 27 ( 2) 1027 -1036
Mathieu Dehaes , Nora M Raschle , Danielle D Sliva , Jennifer Zuk
Proceedings of the ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting and Exhibition 2969
Rudolph Pienaar , Kiho Im , Mathieu Dehaes , Sara Smith
Kiho Im , Nora Raschle , Jennifer Zuk , Jennifer Minas
Katie Overy , Andrea Norton , Karl Cronin , Nadine Gaab
Neuroimage 22 ( Supplement 1 (Cognition and Attention)) e2075 -e2076
Paulo E Andrade , Daniel Müllensiefen , Olga VCA Andrade , Jade Dunstan
Journal of Learning Disabilities 57 ( 1) 43 -60
Yingying Wang , Meaghan V Mauer , Talia Raney , Barbara Peysakhovich
Cerebral Cortex 27 ( 4) 2469 -2485
Nora Maria Raschle , Bryce Larkin Chessell Becker , Sara Smith , Lynn Valérie Fehlbaum
Cerebral Cortex 27 ( 1) 764 -776
Ola Ozernov-Palchik , Nadine Gaab
Perspectives on Language and Literacy 42 ( 1) 11 -17
Nadine Gaab , Yaacov Petscher
Perspectives on language and literacy 11 -17
Lisa Schelbe , Jessica Pryce , Yaacov Petscher , Hank Fien
Families in society 103 ( 3) 269 -280
Nadine Gaab
Baltimore: International Dyslexia Association
Carolyn J King , Ally Lee , Jennifer Zuk , Nivedita Ravi
OSF Preprints