L. Shaw , S. Chizari , R.M. Panas , M. Shusteff
conference on lasers and electro optics
Lisa A. Poyneer , Robert Panas , Paul Pax , S. Mark Ammons
Adaptive Optics Systems VII 11448
Chris Gates , Glenn Larkin , S. Mark Ammons , Lisa A. Poyneer
Adaptive Optics Systems VI 10703
Christopher M. DiBiasio , Martin L. Culpepper , Robert Panas , Larry L. Howell
Journal of Mechanical Design 130 ( 4) 042308
Brett Kelly , Robert Panas , Maxim Shusteff , Christopher Spadaccini
Brett Kelly , Robert Panas , Maxim Shusteff , Christopher Spadaccini
Robert Panas , Frederick Sun , Amin Farzaneh , John Cortes
John Cortes , Magi Mettry , Matthew Worthington , Swetha Chandrasekaran
Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States) ( LLNL-CONF-823399)
Michael Cullinan , Christopher DiBiasio , Larry Howell , Martin Culpepper
13th National Conference on Mechanisms and Machines 105 -110
Maria J Telleria , Robert Panas , Martin L Culpepper
24th American Society for Precision Engineering Annual Meeting
Shih-Chi Chen , Robert Panas , Martin Culpepper , Timothy Ragan
Robert Panas
Michael Cullinan , Robert Panas , Cody Daniel , Martin L Culpepper
Lucas Shaw , Samira Chizari , Robert Panas , Maxim Shusteff
CLEO: Applications and Technology AF1J. 4 -AF1J. 4
Maxim Shusteff , James Oakdale , Robert Matthew Panas , Christopher M Spadaccini
Maxim Shusteff , Christopher M Spadaccini , Nicholas Fang , Robert Matthew Panas
Maxim Shusteff , Christopher M Spadaccini , Nicholas Fang , Robert Matthew Panas