Matthias Trapp , Jürgen Döllner
eurographics 81 -84
Jürgen Döllner , Matthias Trapp
international conference in central europe on computer graphics and visualization 21 89 -96
Jürgen Döllner , Amir Semmo , Matthias Trapp
international conference on computer graphics theory and applications 207 -219
Jürgen Döllner , Sebastian Pasewaldt , Matthias Trapp
international conference in central europe on computer graphics and visualization 19 111 -118
Jürgen Döllner , Matthias Trapp , Jan Ole Vollmer
CGVC '16 Proceedings of the conferece on Computer Graphics & Visual Computing 97 -104
Jürgen Döllner , Sebastian Pasewaldt , Amir Semmo , Matthias Trapp
Expressive (Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers) 3 -4
Jürgen Döllner , Margarita Amor , Montserrat Bóo , Javier D. Bruguera
GRAPP/IVAPP 254 -259
Jürgen Döllner , Sebastian Hahn
EuroVis (Short Papers) 79 -83
Jürgen Döllner , Haik Lorenz
Václav Skala - UNION Agency
Jürgen Döllner , Sebastian Hahn , Joseph Bethge
vision modeling and visualization 69 -76
Jürgen Döllner , Sebastian Pasewaldt , Amir Semmo , Matthias Trapp
eurographics 17 -24
Jürgen Döllner , Juri Engel
Geoinformatik 64 -71
Jürgen Döllner , Rico Richter , Sören Discher , Johannes Wolf
international joint conference on computer vision imaging and computer graphics theory and applications 227 -234
Amir Semmo , Jan Eric Kyprianidis , Matthias Trapp , Jürgen Döllner
Proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Aesthetics 5 -14
Stefan Buschmann , Matthias Trapp , Jürgen Döllner
The Visual Computer 32 ( 3) 371 -381
Dieter Hildebrandt , Jan Klimke , Benjamin Hagedorn , Jürgen Döllner
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research & Applications - COM.Geo '11 6
Jan Klimke , Dieter Hildebrandt , Benjamin Hagedorn , Jürgen Döllner
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research & Applications - COM.Geo '11 72
Tassilo Glander , Jürgen Döllner
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 381 -400
Benjamin Hagedorn , Jürgen Döllner
advances in geographic information systems 8
Tassilo Glander , Jürgen Döllner
advances in geographic information systems 54