Gerben van Geest , Lilith Kramer , Tom Buijse , Jannicke Moe
Joep de Leeuw , Tom Buijse , Delphine Goffaux , Gertrud Haidvogl
Tom Buijse , E Mosselman , IG Cowx , N Friberg
Bridging gaps between river science, governance and management 3 -3
Ian Cowx , Natalie Angelopoulos , Christian Wolter IGB , Tom Buijse
Sebastian Birk , Didier Pont , Juan Alandez Rodriguez , Apostolos Apostolou
Mijke van Oorschot , Maarten Kleinhans , Gertjan Geerling , Tom Buijse
Geomorphology 413 108327 -108327
Tom Buijse , Erik Mosselman , Henk Eerden , Frank Collas
5th International Conference on the Status and Future of the World’s large rivers 2023
E Mosselman , Tom Buijse
NCR DAYS 2022: Anthropogenic Rivers 47 -48
Donné RAH Mathijssen , Tom Buijse , Hendrik V Winter , JBJ Huisman
WIAS Annual Conference 2023 63 -63
Tom Buijse , Niels Daan
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Tom Buijse
Seminar Presentations Session 1: Overview of the role of wetlands in river basin functioning and assessment of wetland status and trends in Europe 89 -89
Tom Buijse
Inland Waters and Lands Branch, Quebec Region, Conservation and Protection, Environment Canada
Erik Ruijgh , Hans Brinkhof , Tom Buijse , Roel van der Schee
40th IAHR World Congress, 2023 3155 -3162
Tom Buijse , Jan Hendriks
RiverCare 3 -3
Tom Buijse
Ineke Willemse , Stagerapport Deltares , Tom Buijse
Gerben van Geest , Tom Buijse
De Levende Natuur 113 ( 6) 280 -286
Wisdom Akpalu , Imad Ali Babiker , Esteban Alonso , Zhisheng An
Ambio 41 107 -108
Niels Breve , Tom Buijse , Martin Kroes , Tim Vriese
H 2 O 41 ( 10) 4 -4
Tom Buijse , Harriet Bakker , Rob Gubbels , Willie van Emmerik
Natuurhistorisch Maandblad 92 ( 10) 237 -242