Michael A Faraone , Harald Klammler , Krishnarao Dase , Chris Jenneisch
Florida. Dept. of Transportation
Petros M Christou , Marc I Hoit , Michael C McVay
Integral Abutment and Jointless Bridges (IAJB 2005)Federal Highway AdministrationWest Virginia Department of Transportation
Gary R Consolazio , David Cowan , Ronald A Cook , Michael C McVay
David Bloomquist , Jeongsoo Ko , Michael C McVay , Haki Klammler
Paul Bullock , Scott Wasman , Michael C McVay
Paul Bullock , Carlton Hay , David Bloomquist , Michael C McVay
Harald Klammler , Michael C McVay
Florida. Dept. of Transportation
Michael C McVay , James G Murphy , Charles W Manzione
Transportation Research Record ( 1382)
Khiem Tran , David Bloomquist , Michael C McVay
Florida. Dept. of Transportation
Marc Hoit , Erica Hughes , Michael C McVay , Thai Nguyen
Daniel J Getter , Gary R Consolazio , David R Cowan , Michael T Davidson
Ulas Toros , Dennis R Hiltunen , Reynaldo Roque , Michael C McVay
Sudheesh Thiyyakkandi , David Bloomquist , Michael C McVay
Florida. Dept. of Transportation
Ching L Kuo , Michael C McVay
Michael C McVay , Ronald A Cook , Isaac Canner
Michael Faraone , Harald Klammler , Khiem Tran , Nilses Vera
Florida. Dept. of Transportation
Ernest T Selig , Ching S Chang , Michael C McVay
Transportation Research Record ( 878)
Ernest T Selig , Michael C McVay
Transportation Research Record ( 878)
Scott J Wasman , Michael C McVay
Florida. Dept. of Transportation