Carme Àlvarez , Birgit Jenner
symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science 148 ( 2) 183 -205
Carme Àlvarez , Maria J. Blesa , Hendrik Molter
workshop on algorithms and models for the web graph ( 8882) 108 -119
Carme Àlvarez , Josep Díaz , Jacobo Torán
fundamentals of computation theory 13 -24
Carme Àlvarez , Amalia Duch , Maria Serna , Dimitrios Thilikos
trustworthy global computing 58 -72
Carme Àlvarez , Rafel Cases , Josep Díaz , Jordi Petit
Theoretical Computer Science 381 ( 1-3) 197 -217
Carme Àlvarez , Josep Díaz , Jordi Petit , José Rolim
Theoretical Computer Science 406 ( 3) 240 -247
Carme Àlvarez , Maria Blesa , Maria Serna
Theoretical Computer Science 412 ( 50) 6855 -6878
Carme Àlvarez , Amalia Duch
Computer Science Review 39 100346
Carme Àlvarez
Computer Science Review 39 100351
Carme Àlvarez , Maria Serna
Theoretical Informatics and Applications 43 ( 4) 667 -686
Carme Àlvarez , Maria J. Blesa , Amalia Duch , Arnau Messegué
Theoretical Computer Science 648 56 -71
Carme Àlvarez , José L. Balcázar , Birgit Jenner
symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science 422 -433
Carme Àlvarez , Amalia Duch , Joaquim Gabarro , Maria Serna
Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks 5804 3 -14
Guillem Godoy , Omer Giménez , Lander Ramos , Carme Àlvarez
Proceedings of the 42nd ACM symposium on Theory of computing - STOC '10 485 -494
Carme Àlvarez , Joaquim Gabarro , Maria Serna
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 77 ( 6) 1172 -1197
Carme Àlvarez , Maria Serna , Aleix Fernàndez
Theory of Computing Systems \/ Mathematical Systems Theory 59 ( 3) 397 -415
Carme Àlvarez , Joaquim Gabarró , Maria Serna
Algorithms and Computation 634 -643
Carme Àlvarez , Maria Blesa , Maria Serna
Proceedings of the fourteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and architectures - SPAA '02 183 -197
Carme Àlvarez , Josep Díaz , Jordi Petit , José Rolim
Proceedings of the second international workshop on Mobility management & wireless access protocols - MobiWac '04 106 -110
Carme Àlvarez , Ioannis Chatzigiannakis , Amalia Duch , Joaquim Gabarró
Computer Science Review 5 ( 1) 7 -25