S. H. Farooq , A. ElGawady Mohamed , M. Ilyas
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 18 ( 1) 226 -237
Zk Al-Jaberi , A Gheni , John J Myers , Mohamed ElGawady
Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference (2016, Padova, Italy) 883 -888
A Gheni , Z Aljaberi , Mohamed ElGawady , J Myers
Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference (2016, Padova, Italy) 895 -902
R Hassanli , M ElGawady
Australasian Structural Engineering Conference 2012: The past, present and future of Structural Engineering 679
O Youssf , M ElGawady
CRC Press 1039 -1044
M ElGawady , P Lestuzzi , M Badoux
Proc., 4th International Conf. on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures
M ElGawady , P Lestuzzi , M Badoux
Proc., 13th Int. Brick and Block Masonry Conf
M ElGawady , P Lestuzzi , M Badoux , J Hegner
Hesham Tuwair , Jeffery Volz , M ElGawady , Mohaned Mohamed
The American Society for Composites 29th Technical Conference, 16th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials, and ASTM D-30 Meeting, San Diego, CA
R Shafiei-Tehrany , M ElGawady , W Coffer
Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering 11 32 -41
MM Abdulazeez , B Shrestha , M ElGawady
10th New York City Bridge Conference, New York City, NY, USA
Reza Hassanli , M ElGawady
Canadian Masonry Symposium
A Gheni , O Abdelkarim , X Liu , M Abdulazeez
Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Jefferson City
A Moustafa , M ElGawady
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Construction Materials (ConMat): Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications 1 -9
M ElGawady , A Booker , H Dawood
Composites for Construction J
M ElGawady , Q Ma , J Ingham , J Butterworth
Calif., USA
M Abdulazeez , Ahmed Gheni , Nicholas Colbert , M ElGawady
Proc., 9th Int. Conf., on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Risk, Management and Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges 437 -444
Eslam Gomaa , Ahmed Gheni , Cedric Kashosi , M ElGawady
Transportation Research Record (TRB)
R Hassanli , M ElGawady , J Mills
Denver (CO): The Masonry Society
D Ryu , A Wijeyewickrema , M ElGawady , M Madurapperuma
Struct. Eng 140 ( 4)