Alix Demyier-Black , Justin Lipner , Andrea Schwartz , F. Salimeh Saadat
Victor Birman
Journal of Ship Research 34 ( 3) 207 -211
F. Salimeh Saadat , Stavros Thomopoulos , Victor Birman , Guy Genin
Robert G. Latorre , Victor Birman
Journal of ship production 5 ( 1) 10 -15
K. Chandrashekhara , Jeffery S. Volz , S. Hawkins , Victor Birman
International SAMPE Technical Conference
Robert G. Latorre , Victor Birman
Journal of ship production 2 ( 2) 69 -73
K Chandrashekhara , Jeffery S Volz , Hesham Tuwair , Victor Birman
Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Transportation Infrastructure and Safety
Arvind Nagar , Victor Birman
STIA 93 54768
Brigitte Wopenka , Jill Dill Pasteris , Stavros Thomopoulos , Victor Birman
Proceedings of the 8th World Biomaterials Congress (2008, Amsterdam)
Victor Birman
Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space IV: 257 -265
Victor Birman
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space 80 -88
Isaac Elishakoff , J. Singer , Victor Birman
Israel Journal of Technology 20 ( 6) 254 -258
Victor Birman
Israel Journal of Technology
Victor Birman , George A. Kardomateas
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Applied Mechanics Division, AMD
Victor Birman
Missouri University of Science and Technology. Center for Transportation Infrastructure and Safety
Stavros Thomopoulos , Victor Birman , Guy M. Genin
Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference
Victor Birman
Engineering mechanics 1199 -1202
Victor Birman , Eak Sarasart
Proceedings - Ship Technology and Research (STAR) Symposium