Cost-benefit analyses of treatments recommended in Australian clinical practice guidelines

Cathrine Mihalopoulos , Annette Magnus
Trauma related stress in Australia : essays by leading Australian thinkers and researchers 55 -57

Cost-Effectiveness of Four Parenting Programs and Bibliotherapy for Parents of Children with Conduct Problems.

Pia Enebrink , Cathrine Mihalopoulos , Inna Feldman , Filipa Sampaio
Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 19 ( 4) 201 -212

The Prevention and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders from an Economic Perspective.

Cathrine Mihalopoulos
Centre for Emotional Health. Colloquium (2012 : Sydney, New South Wales)

Health economics: measuring cost effectiveness and cost-benefit - how do we do it?

Cathrine Mihalopoulos
Australian Palliative Care. Research Colloquium (2nd : 2014 : Melbourne, Victoria)

Thrive: a randomised controlled trial to build the capacity of family day care educators to promote children’s mental health; baseline data directing program content

E Davis , L Williamson , E Waters , H Herrman
7th World Conference on the Promotion of Mental Health and Prevention of Mental Illness, Perth, Australia, 17-19 October 2012

Economic Evaluation of the MindSpot Clinic: Final Report to MindSpot Clinic

Cathrine Mihalopoulos , Y Lee , Lan Gao
Department of Psychology, Macquairie University

Which QALY measures should we use? The comparison of health related quality of life measures, subjective wellbeing scales and severity scales in people with depression

Cathy Mihalopoulos , J Richardson , G Chen , A Iezzi
HSRAANZ 2015 : Proceedings of the 9th Health Services & Policy Research Conference 46 -46

What has been the impact of the National Perinatal Depression Initiative (NPDI) on Medicare and hospital service use

G Chambers , Cathrine Mihalopoulos , N Highet , W Lee
Society for Mental Health Research. Conference (2015 : Brisbane, Queensland)

Is the short-term cost-effectiveness of an early psychosis program maintained at long term follow-up?

Cathrine Mihalopoulos , PD McGorry , S Farrelly , LP Henry
IEPA 2008 : Early Invention - The Next Wave : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Early Psychosis

Quantifying the economic benefits of prevention in the Australian context

Cathrine Mihalopoulos
Alliance for the Prevention of Mental Disorders. Meeting (2014 : Adelaide, South Australia)

Cool Little Kids randomised controlled trial: Population level early prevention for internalising disorders

O Ukoumunne , R Rapee , M Wake , H Hiscock
Proceedings of the 2013 7th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies

The Assessment of Five Questionnaires Used to Calculate QALYs - Comparison to Commonly Used Mental Health Outcome Instruments

M Khan , J Richardson , G Chen , Cathrine Mihalopoulos
Australian Society for Psychiatric Research. Conference (2013 : Melbourne, Victoria)

The Population Cost-Effectiveness of Universal and Indicated School-Based Interventions to Prevent Major Depression Among Children and Adolescents in the Australian Population

Emily A. Stockings , Cathrine Mihalopoulos , Jan J. Barendregt , Yong Yi Lee
Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 20

Placement Instability Among Young People Removed from Their Original Family and the Likely Mental Health Implications.

Helen Herrman , Kristen Moeller-Saxone , Cathrine Mihalopoulos , Patrick McGorry
Shanghai archives of psychiatry 29 ( 2) 85 -94

A Method to Convert Continuous Measures of Effect Size Based on Depression Symptom Rating Scales into Relative Risk Outcomes

Emily A. Stockings , Cathrine Mihalopoulos , Jan J. Barendregt , Yong Yi Lee
Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 20

The Cost-effectiveness of the Online MindSpot Clinic for the Treatment of Depression and Anxiety in Australia.

Blake F. Dear , Cathrine Mihalopoulos , Yu Chen Lee , Nickolai Titov
Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 20 ( 4) 155 -166

Coping-Together: A self-management intervention to address the psychosocial needs of couples affected by cancer.

Cathrine Mihalopoulos , Janelle Veronica Levesque , Karen Kayser , Sylvie D Lambert
Survivorship 2015

Outcomes of Victorian Prevention and Recovery Care Services: A matched pairs comparison

Graham Meadows , Graham Meadows , Cathrine Mihalopoulos , Jane Pirkis
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 000486742098347

Clinical efficacy of a Decision Support Tool (Link-me) to guide intensity of mental health care in primary practice: a pragmatic stratified randomised controlled trial

Patty Chondros , Maria Potiriadis , Victoria J Palmer , Konstancja Densley
The Lancet Psychiatry 8 ( 3) 202 -214

The Productivity Commission Inquiry Report into Mental Health—A Commentary from a Health Economics Perspective

Cathrine Mihalopoulos , Yong Yi Lee , Mary Lou Chatterton , Long Khanh‐Dao Le
Australian Economic Review 54 ( 1) 119 -129