Biocompatibility of Novel Nano-engineering Cellulose-polypyrrole Composite.

Maria Strömme , Natalia Ferraz
MRS 2011 Spring meeting San Francisco

Nanoteknologi revolutionerar världen

Maria Strömme
Småföretagarforum Örebro 2013

Micro- and nanotechnology in medical applications

Maria Strömme
Micro System Workshop MSW08, 7th Microtechnology Innovation Event 6-7 may 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden

Cell response to nanocellulose films

Kai Hua , Natalia Ferraz , Maria Strömme
Uppsala Biomaterials Conference 9th June 2015, Uppsala, Sweden

Design of Polymer Based Negative Electrode for Sustainable Organic

Rajeev Ahuj , Adolf Gogoll , Maria Strömme , Martin Sjödin
NordBatt1, Uppsala, Sweden,December 4-5

The novel micro-mesoporous magnesium carbonate Upsalite as stabiliser for high melting point drugs

Maria Strömme , Jiaojiao Yang , Ken Welch
Uppsala Biomaterials Conference 9th June 2015, Uppsala, Sweden

Cladophora nanocellulose as a material for biomedical applications

Jonas Lindh , Igor Rocha , Maria Strömme
Uppsala Biomaterials Conference 9th June 2015, Uppsala, Sweden

Upsalite®: A Novel Mesoporous Drug Delivery System

Peng Zhang , Maria Strömme
Uppsala Biomaterials Conference 9th June 2015, Uppsala, Sweden

Design principles for constructing conducting redox polymer based battery materials

Adolf Gogoll , Maria Strömme , Rikard Emanuelsson , Martin Sjödin
249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, March 22-26, 2015, Denver, CO, Chemistry of Natural Resources

Rational design of conducting redox polymers for electrical energy storage

Rikard Emanielsson , Adolf Gogoll , Maria Strömme , Martin Sjödin
International Workshop on the Electrochemistry of Electroactive Materials, Bad Herrenalb, Germany May 31st - June 5th, 2015

Swegon, Women Engineers conference

Maria Strömme
Swegon, Women Engineers conference, Stockholm 7 May 2015

Mechanisms of Self-discharge in p-doped Conducting Polymers : Implications to the construction of electrical energy storage materials with conducting polymer components

Christian Strietzel , Martin Sjödin , Henrik Olsson , Maria Strömme
249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, March 22-26, 2015, Denver, CO, Chemistry of Natural Resources

Development of the volume-amplified magnetic nanobead detection assay (VAM-NDA)

Maria Strömme , Jenny Göransson , Peter Svedlindh , Klas Gunnarsson
Micro System Workshop MSW08, 7th Microtechnology Innovation Event 6-7 may 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden

Synthesis and potential of Upsalite®: a mesoporous magnesium carbonate synthesized without surfactants

Sara Frykstrand , Johan Forsgren , Natalia Ferraz , Maria Strömme
Fourth International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials

Percolating ion transport in binary mixtures with high dielectric loss: Dry dielectric spectroscopy recordings and wet time-dependent salt release measurements.

Maria Strömme , Ulrika Brohede
9th International Conference on Dielectric & Related Phenomena, Poznan, Poland

Bioactive Coatings Combined with Drug Delivery Features

Ulrika Brohede , Håkan Engkvist , Maria Strömme , Shuxi Zhao
BIO-Ångström 2007, Tomorrow’s Life Science Solutions: How Can We Contribute? 6

A planar coil for immobilization of magnetic nanobeads, fabricationand verification

Maria Strömme , Peter Svedlindh , Klas Gunnarsson , Rebecca Bejhed Stjernberg
International Conference on Magnetism 2009, Karlsruche, Germany

Fabrication and characterization of high resistance nanogaps used for studies of different molecular electronics systems

Maria Strömme , Klaus Leifer , Hassan Jafri , Tobias Blom
Scandem 2009 Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society. Reykjavik, Iceland, June 8-10, 2009