An implicit algorithm based on continuous moving least square to simulate material mixing in friction stir welding process

Abdelaziz Timesli , Bouazza Braikat , Hassane Lahmam , Hamid Zahrouni
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 2013 22

Solving hyperelastic material problems by asymptotic numerical method

Saeid Nezamabadi , Hamid Zahrouni , Julien Yvonnet
Computational Mechanics 47 ( 1) 77 -92

A Multiscale Finite Element Approach for Buckling Analysis of Elastoplastic Long Fiber Composites

Saeid Nezamabadi , Hamid Zahrouni , Julien Yvonnet , Michel Potier-Ferry
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 8 ( 3) 287 -301

A new algorithm based on Moving Least Square method to simulate material mixing in friction stir welding

Abdelaziz Timesli , Bouazza Braikat , Hassane Lahmam , Hamid Zahrouni
Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements 50 372 -380

Method of fundamental solutions and high order algorithm to solve nonlinear elastic problems

Omar Askour , Abdeljalil Tri , Bouazza Braikat , Hamid Zahrouni
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 89 25 -35

Method of fundamental solutions and a high order continuation for bifurcation analysis within Föppl-von Karman plate theory

Omar Askour , Said Mesmoudi , Abdeljalil Tri , Bouazza Braikat
Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements 120 67 -72

On the modelling of instability and flatness defects of sheets: application to rolling process

Hamid Zahrouni , Kékéli Kpogan , Sami Abdelkhalek , Ali Limam
XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications COMPLAS 2019, 3-5 September, 2019, Barcelona, Spain

Multi‐scale modeling of the thermomechanical behavior of shape memory alloy/polymer composites by multilevel finite element method

Hamid Zahrouni , Xu Rui , Céline Bouby , Tarak Ben Zineb
ICOMP 2018, International Conference on Theoretical, Analytical and Computational Methods for Composite Materials and Composite Structures, Wuhan, China, May 23‐25, 2018

Une approche par méthode de perturbation pour résoudre des problèmes de plasticité

Mohamed Assidi , Hamid Zahrouni , Noureddine Damil , Michel Potier-Ferry
8e Colloque national en calcul des structures

Buckling of pressurized cylindrical shells using the Asymptotic Numerical Method

Pascal Ventura , Hamza Azzayani , Hamid Zahrouni , Michel Potier-Ferry
Thin-Walled Structures 188 110835 -110835

Non-linear buckling analysis of thin-walled beams modeled with 7-parameter shell elements

Anh-Khoa Chau , Michael Brun , Pascal Ventura , Hamid Zahrouni
Thin-Walled Structures 201 111994 -111994

On the bifurcation analysis of thin multilayer structures by asymptotic numerical method

Hamza Azzayani , Hamid Zahrouni , Norman Mathieu , Pascal Ventura

Quelques résultats sur les indicateurs de bifurcation pour l’étude des instabilités des coques minces (application à un système film-substrat)

Hamza Azzayani , Norman Mathieu , Pascal Ventura , Michael Brun
25e Congrès Français de Mécanique

Accélération de convergence de la méthode asymptotique numérique: application à l'analyse non linéaire de systèmes film/substrat avec FreeFem++

Ventura Pascal , Michel Potier-Ferry , Hamid Zahrouni
15ème colloque national en calcul des structures

Comptes Rendus Mécanique

Pascal Ventura , Michel Potier-Ferry , Hamid Zahrouni

Méthode des solutions fondamentales combinée aux techniques PGD et MAN pour la résolution des problèmes transitoires

N Mathieu , Amen Amevi Sogah , Kékéli Kpogan , Abdeljalil Tri
Congrès Français de Mécanique

Association des méthodes MFS et PGD pour la résolution des problèmes transitoires

Amen Amevi Sogah , Kékéli Kpogan , Abdeljalil Tri , Norman Mathieu
13e colloque national en calcul des structures

Combining MFS and PGD methods to solve transient heat equation

N Mathieu , Amen Amevi Sogah , Kékéli Kpogan , Abdeljalil Tri
Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference

Une méthode asymptotique numérique et une méthode sans maillage pour le calcul des points de bifurcation

Abdeljalil Tri , Hamid Zahrouni , Michel Potier-Ferry
11e colloque national en calcul des structures