Blood biomarkers of common toad following chlorpyrifos dermal exposure

Rafael C Lajmanovich , Paola M Peltzer , Andrés M Attademo , Carlina L Colussi
Interdisciplinary toxicology 11 ( 2) 148 -154

Risk of chlorine dioxide as emerging contaminant during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: Enzyme, cardiac, and behavior effects on amphibian tadpoles

Paola M Peltzer , Ana P Cuzziol Boccioni , Andrés M Attademo , Candela S Martinuzzi
Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences 1 -11

The integrated biomarker response in three anuran species larvae at sublethal concentrations of cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos, glyphosate, and glufosinate-ammonium

Agustín Bassó , Simon Devin , Paola M Peltzer , Andrés M Attademo
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 57 ( 9) 687 -696

Microplastics and plastic additives as contaminants of emerging concern: A multi-biomarker approach using Rhinella arenarum tadpoles

Andrés M Attademo , Lucila M Curi , Ana P Cuzziol Boccioni , Carlos E Barrios
Environmental Advances 14 100444 -100444

Water and sediment quality of an agro‐industrial area through different approaches: Physicochemical parameters and ecotoxicity with amphibians

Julieta Peluso , Carolina M Aronzon , Agostina Martínez Chehda , Ana Paula Cuzziol Boccioni
Water Environment Research 95 ( 6) e10899 -e10899

Hematology and blood cell cytochemistry of Rhinella fernandezae (Amphibia: Anura) from Espinal and Delta-Islands of Paraná River, Argentina

Cabagna Zenklusen , Rafael C Lajmanovich , Andres M Attademo , Paola M Peltzer
Revista de Biologia Tropical 59 ( 1) 17 -28

High toxicity of agro‐industrial wastewater on aquatic fauna of a South American stream: Mortality of aquatic turtles and amphibian tadpoles as bioindicators of environmental health

Ana P Cuzziol Boccioni , Paola M Peltzer , Andrés M Attademo , Leonardo Leiva
Water Environment Research 96 ( 3) e11010 -e11010

Song amplitude variation in Masked Gnatcatcher (Polioptila dumicola) as response to traffic noise

Evelina J León , Rodrigo E Lorenzón , Lorena V Sovrano , Adolfo H Beltzer
Urban Ecosystems 1 -10

Ecotoxicity and Risk Assessment Characterization of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals on Anuran Amphibian Larvae

Paola M Peltzer , Ana P Cuzziol Boccioni , Candela Martinuzzi , Agustín Bassó

Efecto de la exposición a glifosato y ciprofloxacina en bacterias entéricasde renacuajos

Ana P Cuzziol Boccioni , Guillermo García-Effron , Paola M Peltzer , Rafael C Lajmanovich
Revista argentina de microbiología 55 ( 2) 3 -3

Efecto del ruído del tráfico en la vocalización de machos de Scinax nasicus (Amphibia, Anura)

Evelina Leon , Paola M Peltzer , Rodrigo Lorenzon , Rafael C Lajmanovich
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 109 e2019007 -e2019007

Toxicological effects of the emerging contaminant ivermectin on Physalaemus santafecinus larvae

Julieta Peluso , Carolina M Aronzon , Agostina Martinez Chehda , Melisa S Olivelli

Environmental Advances

Andrés M Attademo , Lucila M Curi , Ana P Cuzziol Boccioni , Carlos E Barrios

Estudios específicos 4

Marta I Duré , Javier A López , Rafael C Lajmanovich , Paola M Peltzer

Estudios específicos 4

Pablo Grenat , Evelina J León , Paola M Peltzer , Víctor H Zaracho