Padmakumar Radhakrishnan , Tom V. Mathew
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 27 ( 3) 254 -262
Jeremy J. Blum , Tom V. Mathew
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 25 ( 5) 357 -369
Sushant Sharma , Tom V. Mathew , Satish V. Ukkusuri
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 25 ( 4) 316 -329
Tom V. Mathew , Caleb Ronald Munigety , Ashutosh Bajpai
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 29 ( 5) 04014069
Satish V. Ukkusuri , Tom V. Mathew , S. Travis Waller
Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 22 ( 1) 6 -18
Bindhu Muralidhar , Tom V. Mathew , S. L. Dhingra
Journal of Transportation Engineering-asce 132 ( 6) 489 -498
Tom V. Mathew , Sushant Sharma
Journal of Transportation Engineering-asce 135 ( 7) 406 -415
Sabyasachee Mishra , Tom V. Mathew , Snehamay Khasnabis
Journal of Transportation Engineering-asce 136 ( 4) 281 -290
Sushant Sharma , Satish V. Ukkusuri , Tom V. Mathew
Transportation Research Record 2090 ( 2090) 95 -104
Jeremy J. Blum , Anoop Sridhar , Tom V. Mathew
Transportation Research Record 2183 ( 2183) 1 -8
Bijul Raveendran , Tom V. Mathew , Nagendra R. Velaga
communication systems and networks 82 -86
Alok Patel , Tom V. Mathew , Jayendran Venkateswaran
communication systems and networks 1 -6
K. V. R. Ravishankar , Tom V. Mathew
Journal of Transportation Engineering-asce 137 ( 11) 775 -781
Sabyasachee Mishra , Sushant Sharma , Tom V. Mathew , Snehamay Khasnabis
Transportation Research Record 2351 ( 2351) 1 -13
M. Sreekumar , S. M. Joshi , Avijit Chatterjee , Tom V. Mathew
Transportation Letters 11 ( 10) 542 -557
Anna Charly , Tom V. Mathew
Transportation letters 12 ( 5) 340 -348
Nilesh Borole , Dillip Rout , Nidhi Goel , P. Vedagiri
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 104 775 -784
Sadguna Nuli , Tom V. Mathew
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 104 765 -774
Soumya Nair , Pulakesh Upadhyay , Tom V. Mathew
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 104 487 -496
Alok Patel , Jayendran Venkateswaran , Tom V. Mathew
Transportation research procedia 48 946 -961