2011 GSA Meeting in Minneapolis, Paper 91 4
Carol P Harden , Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach , Glen M MacDonald , Richard A Marston
Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 44 ( 1) 5 -13
John R Giardino , Richard A Marston
Geomorphology 31 ( 1) 1 -11
Richard A Marston , Lawrence S Dolan
Geomorphology 31 ( 1) 313 -323
Daniel C Dauwalter , Dale K Splinter , William L Fisher , Richard A Marston
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64 ( 8) 1116 -1129
W.Andrew Marcus , Richard A Marston , Charles R Colvard , Robin D Gray
Geomorphology 44 ( 3) 323 -335
David R Butler , Richard A Marston ,
The international encyclopedia of geography. ohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd. https://doi. org/10.1002/9781118786352. wbieg1144
Christian Berndt , Douglas Richardson , Noel Castree , Michael F Goodchild
Berndt, Christian (2017). Labor market segmentation. In: Richardson, Douglas; Castree, Noel; Goodchild, Michael F; Kobayashi, Audrey; Liu, Weidong; Marston, Richard A. The international encyclopedia of geography: people, the earth, environment and technology. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, online.
Markus Stoffel , Richard A Marston
(No Title)
Jida Wang , Chunqiao Song , John T Reager , Fangfang Yao
Nature Geoscience 11 ( 3) 926 -932
Richard A Marston , Jay E Anderson
Conservation Biology 5 ( 3) 338 -346
Robert H Schmidt Jr , Richard A Marston
New Mexico Journal of Science 21 ( 2) 21 -27
Richard A Marston , David H Haire
University of Wyoming, Department of Geography
Richard A Marston
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Medicine Bow National Forest
W Andrew Marcus , Richard J Aspinall , Richard A Marston
Geographical Information Science and Mountain Geomorphology 343 -379
William J Lloyd , Richard A Marston
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 21 ( 5) 841 -849
Richard A Marston , Bryce K Marston
International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology 1 -9
Richard A Marston , William D Butler , Nicholas L Patch
International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology 1 -8
James R Maxwell , Richard A Marston
ASCE 1 -12