Frontispiece: Hydrophilic Chitosan Derivatives: Synthesis and Applications

Erez Cohen , Elena Poverenov
Chemistry–A European Journal 28 ( 67) e202286762 -e202286762

A Terminal Pt (IV)-oxo Complex Bearing no Stabilizing Electron Withdrawing Ligands and Exhibiting Diverse Reactivity

E Poverenov , I Efremenko , A Frenkel , Y Ben-David
Nature 455 ( BNL-92911-2010-JA)

236 Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)-based transdermal delivery of insulin

G Cohen , N Ogen-Shtern , E Silberstein , E Poverenov
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 142 ( 12) S220 -S220

Effects of Polysaccharide-Based Edible Coatings on Fresh-Cut Melon Quality

R Cohen , T Yefremov , Y Vinokur , V Rodov
International CIPA Conference 2012 on Plasticulture for a Green Planet 1015 145 -151