Whether Socio-Economics Influence Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability of Small and Marginal Households of Indo-Gangetic Plains of India?

N Subash , Harbir Singh , Gokul Paudel , Balwinder Singh
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2020)| VIRTUAL

Integrated Modeling under a Changing Climate in Latin America and the Caribbean: Bridging the Gaps between Supply and Demand of Information for Decision-Making

Kelly Witkowski , Roberto O Valdivia , Daniela Medina , Francesco Meza
World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd. 447 -463

Coordinating AgMIP data and models across global and regional scales for 1.5° C and 2.0° C assessments

Cynthia Rosenzweig , Alex C Ruane , John Antle , Joshua Elliott
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 376 ( 2119) 20160455 -20160455

Integrated assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation in agriculture: the case study of the wami river sub-basin, Tanzania

Siza D Tumbo , Khamaldin D Mutabazi , Sixbert K Mourice , Barnabas M Msongaleli
Climate Variability and Change in Africa: Perspectives, Experiences and Sustainability 115 -136

Trade-off analysis of agri-food systems for sustainable research and development

John M Antle , Roberto O Valdivia
Q Open 1 ( 1) qoaa005 -qoaa005

La Encañada: Description of the Data Preparation Process for Use with the Tradeoff Analysis Model

Roberto O Valdivia , John M Antle
CD detailing the documentation, programs and databases used in the Tradeoff projects, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. Available at http://www. tradeoffs. montana. edu

Protocols for National Integrated Assessments

Roberto O Valdivia , John M Antle
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting

An Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Maize-Based Smallholder Crop–Livestock Systems in Kenya

LFG Claessens , Roberto O Valdivia , JM Antle , S Gummadi
World Scientific Publishing 33 -96

The Future of Agriculture: AgMIP, Climate Impacts, Combined Mitigation and Adaptation, and Related Research I Oral

Sonali Shukla McDermid , Bruno Basso , Roberto O Valdivia , Jonathan Winter
AGU Fall Meeting 2021

Farm data collection in la Encanada, Cajamarca, Peru, to support analysis of tradeoffs in sustainable agriculture

Roberto O Valdivia
A report to the project, Tradeoffs in Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment in the Andes: A Decision Support System for Policy Makers. Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. Available at www. tradeoffs. montana. edu

AgMIP Regional Activities in a Global Framework: The Brazil Experience

Eduardo D Assad , Fábio R Marin , Roberto O Valdivia , Cynthia E Rosenzweig
Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems 2 ( GSFC-E-DAA-TN22420)

Balancing co-benefits and trade-offs between climate change mitigation and adaptation innovations under mixed crop-livestock systems in semi-arid Zimbabwe

Sabine Homann-Kee Tui , Roberto O Valdivia , Katrien Descheemaeker , Gevious Sisito
CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 4 ( 1) 24 -24

Transforming Dryland Farming Under Climate Change: Benefits and Trade-Offs in Mixed Crop Livestock Systems in Zimbabwe

Sabine Homannn-Kee Tui , Roberto O Valdivia , Katrien Descheemaeker , Gevious Sisito
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting

Climate Change Impact on Livelihoods of Smallholders Under Current and Future Agricultural Production Systems in Semi-Arid Ghana

Dilys Sefakor MacCarthy , Joseph Clottey , Roberto O Valdivia , Samuel GK Adiku
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting

Climate change impacts on current and future agricultural systems in the semi-arid regions of West Africa

Samuel G.K. Adiku , John Antle , Ibrahima Hathie , Myriam Adam
Abstracts of the 7th AgMIP Global Workshop

Towards a core approach for cross-sectional farm household survey data collection: a tiered setup for quantifying key farm and livelihood indicators

Berta Miro , Mark T. van Wijk , Francesco Caracciolo , Gideon K. Kruseman
CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture.