Brücken zwischen Wissenschaft und Zukunft

U Maurer , Schweiz Verband Dyslexie , S Brem , D Brandeis
Tagungen / Der Verband Dyslexie Schweiz ( 12) 7 -10

Fully simultaneous high-density ERP mapping during fMRI

D Brandeis , S Brem , K Bucher , P Halder
Ninth Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping; in NeuroImage 19 ( 2, Suppl) e1222 -e1223

OHBM 15th Annual Meeting

S Brem , U Richardson , S Bach , Ch Hofstetter

Prediction of reading in school using brain-based measures: Implications and applications

U Maurer , S Brem , K Bucher , R Benz
Front. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: EARLI SIG22-Neuroscience and Education. doi: 10.3389/conf. fnins 23

Distinct Subcortical Volume Alterations in Pediatric and Adult OCD: A Worldwide Meta-and Mega-Analysis (vol , pg , 2016)

Yoshinari Abe , Pino Alonso , Stephanie H Ameis , Paul D Arnold
American Journal of Psychiatry

Neurobiologie und Psychotherapie in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie

Siebke Melfsen , Susanne Walitza , Silvia Brem , Heinz Boeker
Drechsler, Renate; Brem, Silvia; Straub, Marc; Melfsen, Siebke; Walitza, Susanne (2012). Neurobiologie und Psychotherapie in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie. In: Boeker, Heinz; Seifritz, Erich. Psychotherapie und Neurowissenschaften : Integration, Kritik, Zukunftsaussichten. Bern: Hans Huber, 550-563. 550 -563

Brain dynamics of (a)typical reading development-a review of longitudinal studies.

Silvia Brem , Katarzyna Jednoróg , Katarzyna Chyl , Gorka Fraga-González
npj Science of Learning 6 ( 1) 4 -4

Analysis of structural brain asymmetries in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in 39 datasets.

Merel C Postema , Martine Hoogman , Sara Ambrosino , Philip Asherson
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1 -18

White matter microstructure and its relation to clinical features of obsessive-compulsive disorder: findings from the ENIGMA OCD Working Group

Alan Anticevic , Gianfranco Spalletta , Sara Dallaspezia , Peter Kochunov
Translational Psychiatry 11 ( 1) 173 -173

The rise and fall of rapid occipito-temporal sensitivity to letters: Transient specialization through elementary school.

Susanne Walitza , Daniel Brandeis , Silvia Brem , Iliana I. Karipidis
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 49 100958

Neurodevelopment of the incentive network facilitates motivated behaviour from adolescence to adulthood.

Susanne Walitza , Silvia Brem , Iliana I. Karipidis , Iliana I. Karipidis
NeuroImage 237 118186 -118186

Simultaneous EEG and fMRI reveals stronger sensitivity to orthographic strings in the left occipito-temporal cortex of typical versus poor beginning readers.

Georgette Pleisch , Iliana I. Karipidis , Alexandra Brem , Martina Röthlisberger
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 40 100717

The feedback-related negativity (FRN) revisited: New insights into the localization, meaning and network organization

Tobias U. Hauser , Reto Iannaccone , Philipp Stämpfli , Renate Drechsler
NeuroImage 84 159 -168