Taphonomie und postsedimentäre Prozesse

Christopher E Miller , Inga Kretschmer , Michael Strobel , Richard Vogt
Springer Berlin Heidelberg 239 -252

Arma Veirana

Caley Orr , David Strait , Christopher E Miller , Fabio Negrino

Premiers pas vers la datation U-Th par LA-HR-ICP-MS de coquilles d’œufs d'autruche du site MSA d’Hoedjiespunt 1 (Afrique du Sud).

Loïc Martin , Chantal Tribolo , Christophe Pécheyran , Norbert Mercier
XXIe colloque du Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l’Archéologie

Arma Veirana

Marco Peresani , Caley Orr , David Strait , Christopher E Miller


Christopher E Miller

First steps towards the U-Th dating by LA-HR-ICP-MS of ostrich eggshells from the MSA site Hoedjiespunt 1 (South Africa)

Loïc Martin , Chantal Tribolo , Norbert Mercier , Nicholas John Conard
World Archaeological Congress 8

“28” at Bushman Rock Shelter, Limpopo (South Africa)

Guillaume E Porraz , Aurore Val , Chantal Tribolo , Cnuts Dries
SAFA 2016

The orientation of finds, bone preservation and formation processes in the Gravettien and Magdalenian deposits at Hohle Fels

Maria Malina , Christopher E Miller , Susanne C Münzel , Hannes Napierala
Jahrestagung... 55

On the slope or in the shelter?: Micromorphological studies at the MSA site Varsche Rivier 003, South Africa

Mareike Cordula Stahlschmidt , Christopher E Miller , Alex Mackay , Teresa E Steele
Jahrestagung... 55

Natural Science in Archaeology

Bernd Herrmann , Günther A Wagner , Christopher E Miller

Micromorphology of Middle to Later Stone Age sites in northern Malawi

Flora Schilt , Susan Mentzer , David Wright , Jessica Thompson

The loess-paleosol profile Datthausen, on the penultimate-glacial terrace of the upper Danube River: Luminescence dating and interpretation

Annette Kadereit , Daniela Sauer , Ludger Herrmann , Sebastian Kreutzer
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 6905

The loess-paleosol profile Datthausen, on the penultimate-glacial terrace of the upper Danube River: Sedimentological and paleopedological characteristics

Annette Kadereit , Daniela Sauer , Ludger Herrmann , Sebastian Kreutzer
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 6852

Early human impacts and ecosystem reorganization in southern-central Africa.

Erik Otárola-Castillo , Elizabeth Gomani-Chindebvu , Oris Malijani , J. Ramón Arrowsmith
Science Advances 7 ( 19)

Paleoindian settlement of the high-altitude Peruvian Andes

Kurt Rademaker , Gregory Hodgins , Katherine Moore , Sonia Zarrillo
Science 346 ( 6208) 466 -469

Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil

Ximena S. Villagran , André Strauss , Christopher Miller , Bertrand Ligouis
Journal of Archaeological Science 77 10 -34