Sanjay Goel , Kevin Williams , Jingyi Huang , Merrill Warkentin
Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 1 -6
Sanjay Goel , Prabhat Hajela
Journal of Propulsion and Power 12 ( 3) 503 -508
Ersin Dincelli , Sanjay Goel
hawaii international conference on system sciences 1 -10
Akanksha Malik , Shuchi Sinha , Sanjay Goel
IEEE Engineering Management Review 48 ( 3) 37 -43
Sanjay Goel , Shashishekara S. Talya , Michael Sobolewski
Concurrent Engineering 16 ( 2) 139 -147
Sanjay Goel , Jagdish Gangolly , Adnan Baykal , Jon Hobbs
Journal on Educational Resources in Computing (JERIC) 6 ( 3) 2
Sanjay Goel , Shashishekara S. Talya , Michael Sobolewski
decision support systems 43 ( 2) 547 -568
Sanjay Goel , Seth Cagle , Hany Shawky
Journal of Financial Stability 33 120 -132
Sanjay Goel , Prabhat Hajela , Sanjay Goel , Prabhat Hajela
38th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference
Sanjay Goel , Stephen F. Bush
Complexity 9 ( 2) 54 -73
Nicholas Rizzo , Ethan Sprissler , Yuan Hong , Sanjay Goel
2015 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE) 232 -237
Sanjay Goel , Ersin Dincelli , Austin Parker , Ethan Sprissler
2014 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE) 925 -930
Sanjay Goel , Stephen F. Bush , Krishnaraj Ravindranathan
2014 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE) 931 -936
Sanjay Goel
Connections: The Quarterly Journal 19 ( 1) 73 -86
Sanjay Goel
Connections: The Quarterly Journal 19 ( 1) 87 -95
Sanjay Goel , Yuan Hong
Cyber Warfare 1 -13
Sanjay Goel , Damira Pon
IGI Global 2849 -2864
Sanjay Goel
Communications of The ACM 54 ( 8) 132 -140
Sanjay Goel , Shashishekara Talya
10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference
Stephen F. Bush , Sanjay Goel
2006 1st International Conference on Nano-Networks and Workshops 1 -10