Comparison of the impact resistance of honeycombs and LBM lattice structures

Pauline Delroisse , Olivier Rigo , Matthieu Marteleur , Aude Simar
Workshop on Additive Manufacturing for space applications

Cavitation role in extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

Jean-Pierre Lafaut , I Chilibon , L Baert , Martine Wevers
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 8 ( 1) 235 -237

Fuse-like devices replacing linear sensors - working examples of percolation sensors in operational airliners and chemical installations

Helge Pfeiffer , Ioannis Pitropakis , Martine Wevers , H Sekler
Proc. Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing VI 219 -223

Akoestische emissie: een handig hulpmiddel bij de evaluatie van schade in komposieten

Paul De Meester , Jan Ivens , Ignace Verpoest , Martine Wevers
Proc. BANT-KINT biënnale symposium 1 -18

Acoustic emission from composite materials in static and dynamic testing

Paul De Meester , Martine Wevers , M Surgeon
Proc. Akoestische Emissie Dagen, Symposium ingericht door NWGAE, Nederlandse Werkgroep over AE van het KINT

Characterization of trabecular bone of the proximal femur: density and ultrasonic properties

Georges Van der Perre , Veerle Pattijn , Martine Wevers , Remy Van Audekercke
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 13th Conference of European Society of Biomechanics 4 378 -379

A dedicated loading instrument for characterization and testing of MEMS

Piet De Moor , Ingrid De Wolf , Deniz Sabuncuoglu Tezcan , Martine Wevers
Microsystem Technologies-micro-and Nanosystems-information Storage and Processing Systems 538 -545

Acoustic emission measurements to study clay behaviour

Jan Verstraelen , André Vervoort , Bjorn Debecker , Martine Wevers
Proc. 1st General Assembly of EGU (MPR15, Fracture induced physical phenomena in rocks)

Poisson's ratio as a damage indicator in cross-plied CFRP laminates

Omer Van der Biest , Martine Wevers , E Vanswijgenhoven , M Surgeon
international conference on emerging technologies 229 -233

Optical fibre sensor for damage monitoring in CFRP composite materials

Sabine Van Huffel , J.-M Papy , Laurent Rippert , Martine Wevers
Proc. ECCM-10, 10th European Conference on Composite Materials

Microfocus computer tomography (µCT): an introduction to 3D petrography of building materials

Jan Carmeliet , S Roels , Rudy Swennen , Martine Wevers
Workshop WTCB-OCCN: Microscopie van Bouwmaterialen

Corrosion time series classification using the continuous wavelet transform and MML density estimation

Gert Van Dijck , Martine Wevers , Marc Van Hulle
Corrosion time series classification using the continuous wavelet transform and MML density estimation 25 -29

Impact damage detection in composite materials of aircrafts by optical fibre sensors

Ioannis Pitropakis , Helge Pfeiffer , Martine Wevers
Proc. ECNDT 2010, 10th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing

Micro CT based finite element modelling of peri-implant bone: ex vivo strain gauge verification on guinea pig tibiae

Siegfried Jaecques , Els De Smet , Jos Vander Sloten , Luiza Muraru
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics

Algemene inleiding tot de vezelversterkte kunstoffen

Ph. Rubbrecht , M. Desaeger , Jan Ivens , Ignace Verpoest
MB Produktietechniek 58 233 -251

Acoustic emission during monotonic and cyclic deformation of a brittle limestone

André Vervoort , Alexandre Lavrov , Martine Wevers
Journal of acoustic emission 20 292 -299

Degree of hydration based analysis of online monitoring of hardening concrete using acoustic emission (AE) and nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy (NEWS)

G De Schutter , W Desadeleer , Martine Wevers , Koen Van Den Abeele
Proc. Advanced Testing of Fresh Cementitious Materials 147 -156

Corrosion prevention by detection of corrosive liquids by optical fibre sensors

Maria Patitsa , Helge Pfeiffer , Martine Wevers
Proc. ECNDT 2010, 10th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing

Fatigue damage growth models for quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates formulated using AE data

D Tsamtsakis , Martine Wevers
Proc. 23rd European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing 5 -8