Christian Pohl , Dena Fam , Sabine Hoffmann , Cynthia Mitchell
An interdisciplinary" six tools player" 37 ( 2-2019) 62 -62
Dena Fam , Katherine Gibson
Human Ecology Review 24 ( 2)
Christian Pohl , Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn , Matthias Bergmann , Thomas Jahn
GAIA: Ecological Perspectives for Science & Society 26 ( 3)
Dena Fam , Zoe Sofoulis
Transdisciplinary Research and Practice for Sustainability Outcomes 236 -236
Jane Palmer , Chris Riedy , Dena Fam , Cynthia Mitchell
Transdisciplinary Research and Practice for Sustainability Outcomes. Routledge
Dena Fam , Tanzi Smith , Dana Cordell
Transdisciplinary Research and Practice for Sustainability Outcomes 77 -77
Damien Giurco , Sven Teske , Dena Fam , Nick Florin
エネルギー・資源= Energy and resources 37 ( 3) 188 -193
Dena Fam
Dena Fam
Waste Management and Environment 22 ( 4) 32 -32
Alexandros Gasparatos , Dena Fam , Gerald Schwarz , Juliette C Young
Jane Palmer , Dena Fam
Juliet Willetts , Cynthia Mitchell , Kumi Abeysuriya , Dena Fam
D Fam , AJ Turner , A Liu , B Madden
Institute for Sustainable Futures, UTS
L Franco-Trigo , J Tudball , D Fam , SI Benrimoj
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 15 ( 1) 31 -44
D Fam , C Mitchell , K Ross , E De La Sienra
ITD Conference
A Turner , D Fam , BC Jacobs , M Jazbec
Institute for Sustainable Futures
D Fam , M O'Rourke
Integration and Implementation Insights: Research resources for understanding and acting on complex real-world problems
JH Prior , D Fam
R Wakefield-Rann , D Fam
Human Ecology Review