Sandy Schuck , Celina McEwen , Joanne Dwyer , Debra Hayes
For full text: http://www.curriculumsupport.nsw.ed/learningtechnologies/ files/Lea_netgain.pdf.
Joanne Dwyer
Asia-pacific Journal of Teacher Education 35 ( 1) 89 -103
Contemporary Issues of Equity in Education 171 -171
Mary Mooney , Anne Power , Margery L Hertzberg , Wayne Sawyer
Exemplary Teachers of Students in Poverty 187 -190
Jeanne McConachie , Michael Singh , Geoff Danaher , Fons Nouwens
Changing University Learning and Teaching : Engaging and Mobilising Leadership, Quality and Technology
Leonie Arthur , Joanne Orlando
Contemporary Issues of Equity in Education 171 -185
Catherine Attard , Joanne Orlando
Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia 71 -78
Joanne Orlando , Mohamed Moustakim
Omar Mubin , Suleman Shahid , Muneeb I Ahmad , Joanne Orlando
Proceedings of the Seventh ISCA workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education 2017, August 25-26, 2017, Djurӧ, Stockholm, Sweden 26 -32
Christine Woodrow , Anne Power , Joanne Orlando
Centre for Educational Research (WSU)
Jon Callow , Joanne Orlando
Pedagogies: An International Journal 10 ( 4) 349 -371
Muneeb Imtiaz Ahmad , Omar Mubin , Joanne Orlando
International Journal of Human-computer Interaction 33 ( 12) 943 -962
Joanne Orlando
Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies 1781 -1785
José Hanham , Jacqueline Ullman , Joanne Orlando , John McCormick
Australian Journal of Education 58 ( 1) 36 -49
Muneeb Imtiaz Ahmad , Omar Mubin , Joanne Orlando
human-agent interaction 297 -304
Joanne Orlando , Catherine Attard
Mathematics Education Research Journal 28 ( 1) 107 -121
Joanne Orlando
Asia-pacific Journal of Teacher Education 42 ( 4) 347 -362
Joanne Orlando , Bobby Harreveld
Asia-pacific Journal of Teacher Education 42 ( 4) 321 -323
Joanne Orlando
Teachers and Teaching 20 ( 4) 427 -439