C. D. Beal , J. Flynn
水道協会雑誌 86 ( 9) 50 -52
C. D. Beal , A. Makki , R. A. Stewart
Water Science & Technology: Water Supply 14 ( 4) 561 -568
J. Wakeford , C. House , T. E. Butt , P. Paul
World Symposium on Sustainability Science and Research: Implementing the 2030 United Nations (UN) Agenda for Sustainable Development 773 -782
C. D. Beal , E. A. Gardner , N. W. Menzies
Soil Research 43 ( 7) 781 -802
C. D. Beal , D. W. Rassam , E. A. Gardner , G. Kirchhof
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 13 ( 8) 681 -692
C. Beal
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019
C.D. Beal , E.A. Gardner , G. Kirchhof , N.W. Menzies
Water Research 40 ( 12) 2327 -2338
O. Sahin , E. Bertone , C.D. Beal
Journal of Cleaner Production 148 773 -784
T.E. Butt , A.A. Javadi , M.A. Nunns , C.D. Beal
Science of The Total Environment 569 815 -829
C.D. Beal , J. Flynn
Utilities Policy 32 ( 32) 29 -37
C.D Beal , E.A Gardner , A. Vieritz , N.W Menzies
On-Site Wastewater Treatment X, 21-24 March 2004 1
KS Fielding , A Spinks , Rodney Anthony Stewart , J Gardner
Water 40 ( 3) 66 -70
Edoardo Bertone , Rodney Anthony Stewart , Cara Beal
Science Forum and Stakeholder Engagement: Building Linkages, Collaboration and Science Quality
Kriengsak Panuwatwanich , Rodney Anthony Stewart , Anas Ahmad Makki , Cara Beal
The Sixth IWA Specialist Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Water
N. Menzies , E. Gardner , Cara Beal
Water 32 ( 1) 22 -26
E. Gardner , Cara Beal , B. Hood
Water 36 ( 1) 28 -31
Rodney Anthony Stewart , Cara Beal , Andrew Huang
http://www.urbanwateralliance.org.au/publications/UWSRA-tr31.pdf 31 1 -47
A. Vieritz , E. Gardner , Cara Beal
Water 33 ( 1) 28 -30
E. Gardner , Cara Beal , C. Christiansen , P. Beavers
Water 32 ( 4) 69 -74