R Thackway , K Olsson
Landscape and Urban Planning 44 ( 2) 87 -97
L Belbin , MP Austin , CR Margules , ID Creswell
Report to Australian National Parks & Wildlife Service, Canberra
R Thackway , C Auricht , A Edwards , D Lynch
Unpublished report prepared for the Department of the Environment, Canberra. Auricht Projects, Adelaide, South Australia 42 -42
Leo Lymburner , P Tan , N Mueller , R Thackway
Geoscience Australia, Symonston, Australia 10
L Lymburner , P Tan , N Mueller , R Thackway
Geoscience Australia, Canberra
R Donohue , MJ Hill , J Holloway , P Houlder
AL Bull , R Thackway , ID Cresswell
Unpublished report, Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN), Australian Nature Conservation Agency, Canberra
ID Creswell , R Thackway
Global Biodiversity 8 ( 2)
RJ Hnatiuk , R Thackway , J Walker
Australian Government, Bureau of Rural Sciences, Canberra, AU
R Thackway , S Sonntag , R Keenan
Science for Decision Makers. Bureau of Rural Sciences, Canberra, ACT
R Thackway , R Donohue , R Smart
Canberra, Bureau of Rural Sciences. 100pp
R Thackway
Developing Australia’s representative system of marine protected areas: criteria and guidelines for identification and selection, edited by R. Thackway. Proceedings of a technical meeting held at the South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre, West 22 -23
R Thackway
Environmental Regionalisation-Establishing a Systematic Basis for National and Regional Conservation Assessment and Planning 11 -12
R Thackway
IUCN Commission for National Parks and Protected Areas Regional Meeting, Sydney 8 -10
R Thackway , P Stevenson
Australia National Parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra
R Thackway , S Sonntag , R Donohue
Final Report BRR13, National Land and Water Resources Audit, Canberra
R Thackway
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
R Thackway
Developing Australia’s Representative System of Marine Protected areas. Criteria and Guidelines for Identification and Selection. Proceedings of a technical meeting held at the South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre, Adelaide, South Australia 22 -23
R Thackway , S Szabo , D Smyth
Proceedings of the conference on conservation outside of nature reserves 62 -73