Wolfgang Heiden , Eric Fassbender
international conference on computer supported education 2 126 -131
Eric Fassbender , Debbie Richards , Bill Thompson , Ayse Bilgin
international conference on auditory display 1 -7
Birgit Kirchhofer , Dean B. Carson , Eric Fassbender
2011 Conference on Social Media in Hospitality and Tourism
Eric Fassbender , Deborah Richards , William Forde Thompson
International Conference on Music Communication Science (1st : 2007) 42 -45
Andrew Taylor , Peter Houtmeyers , Eric Fassbender
TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Programs 16 1 -15
Eric Fassbender
Game Mods 67 -86
Eric Fassbender , Bill Wade , Dean Carson , Tess Lea
virtual systems and multimedia 357 -360
Eric Fassbender , Paulo de Souza
australasian computer-human interaction conference 130 -133
Eric Fassbender , Wolfgang Heiden
serious games development and applications 48 -58
Wolfgang Heiden , Matthias Räder , Eric Fassbender
Interactive Storytelling 216 -221
Eric Fassbender , Jayshree Mamtora
The Australian Library Journal 62 ( 1) 53 -60
Eric Fassbender , Christian Martyn Jones
Intelligent Systems Reference Library: Virtual, Augmented Reality and Serious Games for Healthcare 1 68 547 -566
Amaya Chandrasiri , James Collett , Eric Fassbender , Alexander De Foe
Virtual Reality 24 ( 1) 143 -149
Debbie Richards , Eric Fassbender , Ayse Bilgin , William Forde Thompson
Research in Learning Technology 16 ( 3) 231 -244
Eric Fassbender , Deborah Richards , Ayse Bilgin , William Forde Thompson
Computer Education 58 ( 1) 490 -500
Eric Fassbender , Debbie Richards , Manolya Kavakli ,
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 223 224 -230
Eric Fassbender , Bill Wade , Dean Carson , Tess Lea
Eric Fassbender , Debbie Richards ,
Virtual Systems and Multimedia: 13th International Conference, VSMM 2007, Brisbane, Australia, September 23-26, 2007, Revised Selected Papers 13 1 -12
Eric Fassbender , Debbie Richards ,
Agent-based Systems for Human Learning Workshop (ABSHL)(2nd: 2006) 55 -60
Wolfgang Heiden , Eric Fassbender
CSEDU (2) 126 -131