First Experiences with Coupled Dynamic Simulation of Building Energy Systems and the District Heating Network

Krzysztof Klobut , Jorma Heikkinen , Kari Sipilä , Miika Rämä
9th Rehva World Congress, Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors

Residential fuel cell systems

Krzysztof Klobut , Jari Kiviaho , Jari Ihonen , Matti Valkiainen
9th Rehva World Congress, Clima 2007 - WellBeing Indoors

Two new methods for the analysis of wood firing in stoves

Krzysztof Klobut , Jaakko Saastamoinen , Tuomas Paloposki , Pekka Tuomaala

District cooling planning tool framework and specification

Krzysztof Klobut , Kati Koponen , Laura Sokka , Miika Rämä

BIM process facilitator for energy efficient design management

Krzysztof Klobut , Tarja Mäkeläinen , Mari Hukkalainen , Juha Hyvärinen
17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, ICCCBE 2018 875 -882

Network simulation of low heat demand residential area

Krzysztof Klobut , Jorma Heikkinen , Ari Laitinen , Miika Rämä
14th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling 539 -542

Solar thermal integration into a district heated small house

Krzysztof Klobut , Jorma Heikkinen , Miika Rämä , Ari Laitinen
14th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling 530 -533

Energy Use Parameters for Energy Efficiency Enhancement in Discrete Manufacturing Process

Juhani Heilala , Krzysztof Klobut , Paula Järvinen , Tapio Salonen
7th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering

Tulevaisuuden kaukolämpöasuinalueen energiaratkaisut

Krzysztof Klobut , Sirje Vares , Jorma Heikkinen , Ha Hoang
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

ENTRY - Management of Distributed Energy Systems

Krzysztof Klobut , Jorma Heikkinen , Pekka Tuomaala , Kari Sipilä
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 106 -151

New tool for planning district cooling systems

Krzysztof Klobut , Laura Sokka , Miika Rämä , Esa Pursiheimo
13th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES 619

How To Improve Energy Efficiency Of Building Stock In The European Union

Marjolein de Best-Waldhober , Krzysztof Klobut , Afi Adjei , Anne Tolman
12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor Air 2011 1325 -1330

New comfort and energy efficiency service for buildings

Krzysztof Klobut , Mia Ala-Juusela , Teemu Vesanen , Martti Jalkanen
SB11 Helsinki: World Sustainable Building Conference

Technical and economical interest of sustainable refurbishment technologies in France, Italy, Greece and Finland

Krzysztof Klobut , N. Chatagnon , P. Puccetti , C Dalibart
International IBPSA Building Simulation Conference and Exhibition 147 -153

Analysis of heat trade potential in a group of buildings connected by district heating network

Åsa Nystedt , Krzysztof Klobut , Kari Sipilä , Jari Shemeikka
8th REHVA World Congress: Experience the Future of Building Technologies

ICT-technologies for energy efficient buildings and districts

Krzysztof Klobut , Alfredo Samperio , Itzal del Hoyo , Yves Stauffer
41st IAHS World Congress 433

Development and validation of selected models for fast modelling the thermal energy transport in district networks

Krzysztof Klobut , Susana López , Itzal del Hoyo , Miika Rämä
11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES 2016

Heating challenge in very-low-energy residential house

Krzysztof Klobut , Jari Shemeikka
XIII International Conference "Air & Heat 2011 Water & Energy" 311 -316

Älykäs säätöjärjestelmä oppii toimiston käyttötavat

Satu Paiho , Krzysztof Klobut
Talotekniikka ( 1) 66 -67