Krzysztof Klobut , Kari Sipilä , Miika Rämä , Jari Shemeikka
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Krzysztof Klobut , Ari Laitinen
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Tarja Häkkinen , Kai Tattari , Krzysztof Klobut , Ilari Aho
Suomen Talotekniikan Kehityskeskus Oy - TAKE
Krzysztof Klobut , Régis Decorme , Stephan Schüle , Michael Schubert
10th REHVA World Congress: Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings, CLIMA 2010
Krzysztof Klobut , Hannele Ahvenniemi
8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES 2013
Krzysztof Klobut
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 57 -59
Krzysztof Klobut , Teemu Vesanen , Markku Ahonen , Mia Ala-Juusela
SB10 Finland, Sustainable Community - buildingSMART, 22.-24.9.2010, Dipoli, Espoo, Finland: Sustainable Community - buildingSMART
Krzysztof Klobut , Markku Virtanen
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Krzysztof Klobut
REHVA European HVAC Journal 50 ( 6) 7 -10
Ljubisa Urosevic , Juhani Heilala , Reino Ruusu , Krzysztof Klobut
Finnish Society of Automation
Krzysztof Klobut , Mia Ala-Juusela , Régis Decorme , Stephan Schüle
First Workshop on Green and Smart Embedded System Technology: Infrastructures, Methods and Tools 12 -14
Torsti Siltanen , Kari Vihersalo , Jorma Virkki , Krzysztof Klobut
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Krzysztof Klobut
REHVA European HVAC Journal 50 ( 3) 30 -33
Krzysztof Klobut , Jari Ihonen , Jussi Ikäheimo
XIII International Conference "Air & Heat 2011 Water & Energy" 305 -310
Krzysztof Klobut , Pekka Tuominen , Jari Shemeikka
12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor Air 2011 2127 -2132
Krzysztof Klobut , Jorma Heikkinen , Kari Sipilä , Miika Rämä
10th REHVA World Congress: Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings, CLIMA 2010
Krzysztof Klobut , Andrea Costa , Francesco Passerini , Markus Keane
Sustainable Places 2016 Conference: Energy efficiency at building, district and city levels
Krzysztof Klobut
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Krzysztof Klobut , Jorma Heikkinen , Miika Rämä , Ari Laitinen
BuildSim-Nordic 2014
Krzysztof Klobut , Teemu Vesanen
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland