Y. Joshi , A. Baelmans , D. Copeland , C.J.M. Lasance
IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies 24 ( 4) 611 -613
Yves Reymen , Martine Baelmans , Gustavo Rubio , Wim Desmet
Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium 467 Turbulent Flow and Noise Generation 33 -36
Frederik Rogiers , Martine Baelmans , Tine Stevens
Proceedings of the PowerMEMS Workshop 2006 133 -136
Martine Baelmans
D Reiter , A Dauwe , M Tytgadt , Martine Baelmans
N. R. Gauger , Maarten Blommaert , D. Reiter , Holger Heumann
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2015 Plasmaphysik
Yves Reymen , Gustavo Rubio , Wim Desmet , Martine Baelmans
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Finite Element for Flow Problems
F Christiaens , Martine Baelmans , K Van Damme , W Nelemans
international workshop on thermal investigations of ics and systems 199 -204
Maarten Sourbron , Lieve Helsen , Martine Baelmans , T Van Reet
Proceedings of the Passive House Symposium 303 -310
U Samm , MZ Tokar , Martine Baelmans , P Börner
Proceedings of the 22nd EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics 321 -324
Martine Baelmans , Gustavo Rubio , Wim Desmet , Wim De Roeck
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering
A Van Brecht , Martine Baelmans , Johan Meyers , Tadiwos Zerihun Desta
Proceedings of the AGENG 2004, engineering the future 540 -541
Martine Baelmans
framework of the international "Comprehensive Course on Energy; Technology & Management"
C Lacor , Martine Baelmans , Johan Meyers
5th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 287 -290
Maarten Sourbron , Lieve Helsen , Martine Baelmans
Proceedings of EFFSTOCK 2009
Diane Smedts , Joke Vanhoudt , Martine Baelmans , Kurt De Wit
Thema: Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs en Management 18 ( 2) 22 -25
F Christiaens , W Temmerman , Martine Baelmans
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Processing System ISPS'97 81 -86
Abel Ernesto Tablada de la Torre , Jan Carmeliet , Martine Baelmans ,
Martine Baelmans , Johan Meyers
Proceedings of the 6de Nationaal Congres over theoretische en toegepaste mechanica
Martine Baelmans , Patrick Wollants