Jan Dekelver , Frederik De Laender , Frank Neven , Francis wyffels
KVAB Press
Koen Engelborghs , Tatyana Luzyanina , Giovanni Samaey
TW Reports 61 -61
Hans Op de Beeck , Koenraad Brosens , Giovanni Samaey , Kim Verbeken
De Standaard 42 -43
Giovanni Samaey , Michiel Van Oudheusden , Tine Huyse , Violet Soen
Standpunten van de Jonge Academie 2
Tom De Wolf , Giovanni Samaey , Tom Holvoet ,
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Engineering Self-Organising Applications 146 -160
Nele Moelans , Giovanni Samaey
Computational Materials Science 66 1 -2
Giovanni Samaey
Oberwolfach Reports 6 ( 2) 1648 -1650
Jerzy Gawad , Giovanni Samaey , Albert Van Bael , Dirk Roose
5th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modelling 405 -405
Annelies Lejon , Giovanni Samaey
Book of abstracts DYSCO Study Day 12 -12
Giovanni Samaey ,
Paul Van Houtte , Jerzy Gawad , Giovanni Samaey , Albert Van Bael
Steel Research International 842 -847
Paul Van Houtte , Jerzy Gawad , Giovanni Samaey , Albert Van Bael
Macro to Nano-scale Inelastic Deformation and Failure of Materials & Multi-scale Modeling
Paul Van Houtte , Jerzy Gawad , Giovanni Samaey , Albert Van Bael
Steel Research International 81 ( 9) 1392 -1395
Jerzy Gawad , Giovanni Samaey , Albert Van Bael , Dirk Roose
Steel Research International 81 ( 9) 1430 -1433
Kristel Ghoos , Giovanni Samaey , Martine Baelmans
Giovanni Samaey , Tine Baelmans , Bert Mortier
International Conference on Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering, Date: 2017/04/16 - 2017/04/20
Giovanni Samaey , Martine Baelmans , Bert Mortier
Contributions To Plasma Physics 60
Yannick De Decker , Giovanni Samaey , Giacomo Mazzi
Journal of Chemical Physics 137 ( 20) 204115 -204115
Stefan Vandewalle , Giovanni Samaey , Emil Løvbak
Numerische Mathematik 1 -46
Sudharsan Pandiyan , Jakub Krajniak , Giovanni Samaey , Dirk Roose
Computational Materials Science 106 29 -37