Rama Bhadra Raju Vuppalapati
Rama Bhadra Raju Vuppalapati
K. Chandrashekhara , Rama Bhadra Raju Vuppalapati , D. Pfitzinger , Nam Phan
SAMPE 2010 Conference and Exhibition "New Materials and Processes for a New Economy"
Venkatagireesh Menta , Ramabhadraraju Vuppalapati , K Chandrashekhara , Thomas Schuman
Polymer International 62 ( 10) 1465 -1476
K. Chandrashekhara , R. R. Vuppalapati , N. Phan , Venkata Gireesh K Menta
SAMPE '09 Spring Symposium Conference Proceedings
Rongpeng Wang , Thomas Schuman , R. R. Vuppalapati , K. Chandrashekhara
Green Chemistry 16 ( 4) 1871 -1882
M. Mohamed , R. R. Vuppalapati , S. Hawkins , K. Chandrashekhara
ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 563 -570
Rama R Vuppalapati , K Chandrashekhara , Thomas P Schuman
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual ISC Research Symposium, ISCRS 2009
R Vuppalapati , K Chandrashekhara , William E Showalter
Proceedings of SAMPE fall technical conference 1 -10
VGK Menta , RR Vuppalapati , K Chandrashekhara , D Pfitzinger
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 31 ( 6) 415 -423
RR Vuppalapati , VGK Menta , K Chandrashekhara , T Schuman
Polymer composites 35 ( 6) 1070 -1077
RR Vuppalapati , VGK Menta , K Chandrashekhara , T Schuman
Proceedings of the SAMPE conference 23 -26
RR Vuppalapati , K Chandrashekhara , WE Showalter
Cellular Polymers 28 ( 3) 219 -220
V.G.K. Menta , R.R. Vuppalapati , K. Chandrashekhara , T. Schuman
Polymers & Polymer Composites 22 ( 9) 843 -850
M. Mohamed , R.R. Vuppalapati , V. Bheemreddy , K. Chandrashekhara
Advanced Composite Materials 24 ( sup1) 13 -31