Pei-Yu Wu , Tim Johansson , Claes Sandels , Mikael Mangold
Building and Environment 245 110879 -110879
Pei-Yu Wu , Mikael Mangold , Claes Sandels , Tim Johansson
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1122 ( 1) 012050 -012050
Pei-Yu Wu , Kristina Mjörnell , Mikael Mangold , Claes Sandels
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2069 ( 1) 012234 -012234
Pei-Yu Wu , Tim Johansson , Mikael Mangold , Claes Sandels
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2654 ( 1) 012086 -012086
Claes Sandels , Ulrik Franke , Niklas Ingvar , Lars Nordström
2010 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT Europe) 1 -8
Daniel Brodén , Claes Sandels , Lars Nordström
Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, February 17-20, 2015 Washington DC, USA
Gaspard Lebel , Claes Sandels , Lars Nordström , Sandra Grauers
Kaveh Paridariy , Lars Nordström , Claes Sandels
Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2017 IEEE International Conference on
Claes Sandels
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Lars Nordström , Ulrik Franke , Claes Sandels
International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems
C. Sandels , D. Brodén , J. Widén , L. Nordström
Applied Energy 162 472 -485
C. Sandels , J. Widén , L. Nordström
Applied Energy 131 267 -278
F. Baccino , S. Massucco , L. Nordstrom , C. Sandels
22nd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2013; Stockholm; Sweden; 10 June 2013 through 13 June 2013 0959 -0959
C. Sandels , J. Widén , L. Nordström , E. Andersson
Energy and Buildings 108 279 -290
C. Sandels , M. Hagelberg , L. Nordstrom
ieee pes innovative smart grid technologies conference 1 -6
F. Baccino , S. Massucco , C. Sandels , L. Nordstrom
power and energy society general meeting 1 -5
C Sandels , J Widén
Energiforsk, Stockholm, Sweden