A new data compression technique for event based program traces

Andreas Knüpfer
international conference on computational science 956 -965

Workshop on tools for program development and analysis in computational science

Jie Tao , Arndt Bode , Christof Klausecker , Andreas Knüpfer
Procedia Computer Science 4 ( none) 2047 -2048

Workshop Chairs

Andreas Koschan , Marc Pollefeys , Mongi Abidi , Antonis Argyros


Holger Brunst , Andreas Knüpfer , Valentina Salapura , Joseph A Fisher
Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing 2125 -2129

ISC’09 Poster Abstract: I/O Performance Analysis for the Petascale Simulation Code FLASH

Heike Jagode , Shirley Moore , Dan Terpstra , Jack Dongarra

ISPDC 2009 Committees

Leonel Sousa , Yves Robert , Bertil Folliot , Dan Grigoras

Second International Workshop on Parallel Software Tools and Tool Infrastructures—PSTI 2011—

Karen L Karavanic , Karl Fuerlinger , Josef Weidendorfer , Tasneem Brutch

Euro-Par 2009, Parallel Processing-Workshops

Michael Alexander , Martti Forsell , Andreas Knüpfer , Radu Prodan
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

ISPDC 2013

Aron Ahmadia , Michael Bader , Mark Baker , Ioana Banicescu

Committees, Organizers and Sponsors

Marek Tudruj , Bertil Foliot , Dan Grigoras , John Morrison

ISPDC 2011

Alex Nicolau , Alexey Lastovetsky , Alper Şen , Andreas Knüpfer

Enabling event tracing at leadership-class scale through I/O forwarding middleware. In: HPDC'12 Proceedings of the 21st international symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing

Thomas Ilsche , Stephen Poole , Joseph Schuchart , Jason Cope
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF)

Tools for

Christoph Niethammer , José Gracia , Tobias Hilbrich , Andreas Knüpfer
Performance Computing

Tools for

Andreas Knüpfer , Tobias Hilbrich , Christoph Niethammer , José Gracia