Patricia E. Rosel , Barbara L. Taylor , Brittany L. Hancock-Hanser , Phillip A. Morin
Marine Mammal Science 33 56 -75
Barbara L. Taylor , Frederick I. Archer , Karen K. Martien , Patricia E. Rosel
Marine Mammal Science 33 132 -155
Sarah L. Mesnick
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 ( 02) 346 -347
Dara N. Orbach , Christopher D. Marshall , Bernd Würsig , Sarah L. Mesnick
Anatomical Record-advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 299 ( 4) 520 -537
Sarah L. Mesnick , Burney J. Le Boeuf
Behaviour 117 ( 3) 262 -280
Luke Rendell , Sarah L. Mesnick , Merel L. Dalebout , Jessica Burtenshaw
Behavior Genetics 42 ( 2) 332 -343
Heidi Dewar , Sarah Mesnick , Oriana Poindexter
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020
Victoria O'Connell , Linda Behnken , Kendall Folkert , Sarah Mesnick
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129 ( 4) 2397 -2397
Frances Gulland , Kerri Danil , Jennie Bolton , Gina Ylitalo
Veterinary Record 187 ( 7)
Burney J. LE BOEUF , Sarah Mesnick
Behaviour 116 ( 1) 143 -162
Nancy Knowlton , Enric Sala , Jeremy Jackson , Sarah Mesnick
Katherine Ralls , Sarah Mesnick
Academic Press 1005 -1011
Sarah Mesnick , Katherine Ralls
Academic Press 848 -853
and Ronald Swaisgood Oded Berger-Tal , Daniel Blumstein , Scott Carroll , Robert Fisher
Conservation Biology 30 ( 4) 744:753 -744:753
Sarah Mesnick , Nellie Warner , Jan Straley , Victoria O’Connell
Symposium on fisheries depredation by killer and sperm whales: Behavioural insights, behavioural solutions. http://www. vanaqua. org/depredation/Documents/MesnicketalFinalExtendedAbstract. kh. p df
Jancie Straley , Victoria O’Connell , L Behenken , Aaron Thode
Symposium on fisheries depredation by killer and sperm whales: Behavioural insights, behavioural solutions. http://www. vanaqua. org/depredation/Abstracts/Jan% 20Straley. pdf
Jay Barlow , Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho , Carlos Munoz-Pina , Sarah Mesnick
Handbook of marine fisheries conservation and management 205 -214
Amanda J Keledjian , Sarah Mesnick ,
Aquatic Mammals 39 ( 3) 221 -232
Dara N Orbach , Uko Gorter , Sarah Mesnick
Sex in cetaceans