Kenneth Irvine , Konstantina Katsanou , Bryan Millar Spears , Laurence Carvalho
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
A Lyche-Solheim , CK Feld , S Birk , G Phillips
Nigel Willby , Sebastian Birk , Sandra Poikane , Wouter van de Bund
Procedure to fit new or updated classification methods to the results of a completed intercalibration. Ispra, Italy
Sebastian Birk , Didier Pont , Juan Alandez Rodriguez , Apostolos Apostolou
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Sebastian Birk , Wendy Bonne , Angel Borja , Sandra Brucet
Martyn G Kelly , Geoff Phillips , Heliana Teixeira , Gábor Várbíró
Science of the Total Environment 807 150977 -150977
Geoff Phillips , Heliana Teixeira , Martyn G Kelly , Fuensanta Salas Herrero
Science of the Total Environment 912 168872 -168872
Geoff Phillips , Heliana Teixeira , Martyn Kelly , A Lyche Solheim
Martyn KELLY , Heliana TEIXEIRA , A Lyche Solheim , Gary Free
Chris Benner , Slim O Sassi , Eric A Gaucher , Eric J Deeds
Isabel Pardo , Sandra Poikane , Wendy Bonne ,
JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. Office for Official publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg
Isabel Pardo , Carola Gomez-Rodriguez , ES Vigo , Sandra Poikane
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David Ritterbusch , Christine Argillier , Witold Białokoz , Janis Birzaks
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John P Simaika , James Stribling , Jennifer Lento , Andreas Bruder
Science of the Total Environment 918 170360 -170360
Martyn Kelly , Eva Acs , Vincent Bertrin , Helen Bennion
Publications Office of the European Union
Martyn Kelly , E Acs , Vincent Bertrin , Helen Bennion
Martyn Kelly , G Urbanic , E Acs , Vincent Bertrin