Luz Boyero , R.G. Pearson , K. Allan
Tropical Zoology 22 ( 2) 195 -204
R.G. Pearson , R.R. Patel , M.G. O'Brien , S.V. Wolfe
Plastics Materials for Optical Transmission, IEE Colloquium on
R.G. Pearson , P.D. Clayton
James Cook University
K. Heimann , R.G. Pearson , D.W. Burrows , C.K. Preite
R.G. Pearson , N.V. Jones
Biological Conservation 8 ( 4) 273 -278
N.M. Connolly , R.G. Pearson , D. Loong , M. Maughan
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 213 11 -20
S.D. Kevan , R.G. Pearson
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 51 ( 4) 564 -567
S.R. Januchowski-Hartley , V. Hermoso , R.L. Pressey , S. Linke
Biological Conservation 144 ( 10) 2499 -2511
J.A. Nolen , R.G. Pearson
Aquatic Insects 14 ( 4) 213 -221
E Fallaize , J Spurlock , T Garfitt , JE Forbes
Clarendon Press Oxford
J Dowe , B Pusey , R Pearson , Jon Brodie
Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water (QDNRMW)
B Pusey , R Pearson , Jon Brodie , Damien Burrows
Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water (QDNRMW)
J Brodie , J Binney , K Fabricius , I Gordon
Reef Water Quality Protection Plan Secretariat, Department of Premiers and Cabinet, Brisbane
F Karim , J Wallace , A Kinsey-Henderson , A Hawdon
Part II-Quantification of overbank and channelized wetland connectivity in the Tully–Murray floodplain, Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Ltd.: Cairns
R Pearson , M O'Brien , D Sieberg , FA McLAUGHLIN
RW Macdonald , EC Carmack , FA McLaughlin , D Sieberg
RW Macdonald , R Pearson , D Sieberg , FA McLaughlin
RW Macdonald , M O'Brien , EC Carmack , R Pearson
Canadian Data Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences. 1995.
RW Macdonald , D Sieberg , R Pearson , D Paton
Fisheries and Oceans, Canada
M Freeman , R Pearson , J Taylor
XIV International Economic History Congress, Helsinki 21 -25