L. Norrgren , A. Kortenkamp , U. Hass , J. Toppari
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
A. Scott , A. Fostier , H. Mölsä , M. Loir
Proceedings of the seminar of the CIHEAM Network on Technology of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (TECAM), Zaragoza (Spain), 24-28 May 1999. 47 169 -176
P.C. White , I. Jane , A. Scott , B.E. Connett
Journal of Chromatography A 265 ( 2) 293 -300
A. Moore , A. Scott
Journal of Fish Biology 33 ( 6) 959 -960
K. Fuchel , S.L. Padwa , A. Scott , C. Stewart
J.P Goldstein , A. Scott , S. Currie
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 30 ( 2) 109 -117
Stephen George , M. Gubbins , A. MacIntosh , W. Reynolds
Marine Environmental Research 58 ( 2) 571 -575
G M Besser , J G Ratcliffe , L H Rees , A P Scott
Journal of Endocrinology 53 ( 3) 38 -39
D Thompson , A P Scott
Heredity 53 ( 2) 441 -452
Glenys A Bloomfield , A P Scott
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 67 ( 8) 748 -749
J J H Gilkes , Glenys A Bloomfield , A P Scott , Lesley H Rees
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 67 ( 9) 876 -876
M L Pinillos , M J Delgado , A P Scott
Aquaculture Research 34 ( 13) 1181 -1189
Rees Lh , Scott Ap , Bloomfield Ga
Journal of Endocrinology 63 ( 2)
Scott Ap , Ratcliffe Jg , Besser Gm
Journal of Endocrinology 51 ( 2)
Ratcliffe Jg , Rees Lh , Scott Ap , Bloomfield G
Journal of Endocrinology 59 ( 2) 28
Bennett Hp , McMartin C , Ratcliffe Jg , Scott Ap
Journal of Endocrinology 55 ( 2)
Bennett Hp , Ratcliffe Jg , Lowry Pj , Scott Ap
Journal of Endocrinology 58 ( 1)
Scott Ap , Baker Bi
Journal of Endocrinology 63 ( 2)
ALEXANDER P Scott , ELM Vermeirssen
Canario, AVM, Power, DM (Compilers),. Proceedings of Workshop Fish Pheromones: Origins and Modes of Action, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal 15 -23
Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone: Control, Chemistry and Effects: Proceedings... 4 11 -11