Model improvements reduce the uncertainty of wheat crop model ensembles under heat stress

Andrea Maiorano , Pierre Martre , Senthold Asseng , F Ewert
Universität Augsburg

Improvement of Bulk CMOS Electrostatic Integrity using Germanium and Carbon co-implantation

DUMONT Benjamin , POUYDEBASQUE Arnaud , MILESI Frederic , SOUIFI Kader
Extended abstracts of the... Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials 2006 1074 -1075

A first step towards a real-time predictive yield support system.

Salvador Ferrandis Vallterra , Françoise Vancutsem , Vincent Leemans , Benoit Seutin
Information Technology, Automation and Precision Farming. International Conference of Agricultural Engineering - CIGR-AgEng 2012: Agriculture and Engineering for a Healthier Life, Valencia, Spain, 8-12 July 2012.

The crucial role of soil when modelling the impact of climate change on crop production

Bruno Basso , Benjamin Dumont , Iurii Shcherbak , Keith Paustian

Real-time monitoring of environmental factors to model wheat yield production.

Frédéric Lebeau , Christine Moureaux , Françoise Vancutsem , Vincent Leemans
International Conference on Agricultural Engineering - AgEng 2010: towards environmental technologies, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 6-8 September 2010.

Examining wheat yield sensitivity to temperature and precipitation changes for a large ensemble of crop models using impact response surfaces

Roberto Ferrise , Senthold Asseng , Pierre Stratonovitch , Claas Nendel
ropM International Symposium and Workshop: Modelling climate change impacts on crop production for food security | CropM International Symposium and Workshop: Modelling climate change impacts on crop production for food security | 10/02/2014-12/02/2014 | Oslo

Wheat yield sensitivity to climate change across a European transect for a large ensemble of crop models

N. Pirttioja , Timothy Carter , Stefan Fronzek , Marco Bindi
Climate-Smart Agriculture | Climate-Smart Agriculture 2015 - 3rd Global Science Conference | 16/03/2015-18/03/2015 | Montpellier, Francia

Predicting Grain Protein Content of Winter Wheat

Marie-France Destain , Benjamin Dumont , Majdi Mansouri
the european symposium on artificial neural networks

Bayesian methods for predicting LAI and soil moisture

Marie-France Destain , Benjamin Dumont , Majdi Mansouri

Prediction of non-linear time-variant dynamic crop model using Bayesian methods

Marie-France Destain , Benjamin Dumont , Majdi Mansouri
9th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, ECPA 2013 507 -513

The AgMIP Soil and Crop Rotation Initiative

Senthold Asseng , Sebastian Gayler , Keith Paustian , Eckart Priesack

Yield variability linked to climate uncertainty and nitrogen fertilisation

Vincent Leemans , Marie-France Destain , Benjamin Dumont , Jean-Pierre Destain
9th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, ECPA 2013 427 -434

Simulation de la croissance du blé à l’aide de modèles écophysiologiques : synthèse bibliographique des méthodes, potentialités et limitations

Francoise Vancutsem , Benoit Seutin , Marie-France Destain , Benjamin Dumont
Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement 16 ( 3) 382 -392

Nitrogen fertilisation recommendations : could they be improved using stochastically generated climates in conjunction with crop models ?

Marie-France Destain , Walter Meza Morales , Benjamin Dumont , Jean-Pierre Destain
Proceedings of the 12th ICPA

Using a Large Ensemble of Crop Models to Simulate the Climate Sensitivity of Wheat Yields Across a European Transect

Roberto Ferrise , I. J. Lorite , Senthold Asseng , Pierre Stratonovitch
Synergy in Science: Partnering for Solutions | 2015 Annual Meeting: Data Stewardship | 15/11/2015-18/11/2015 | Minneapolis

La terre ferme

Yves Beckers , Jérôme Bindelle , Hélène Soyeurt , Benjamin Dumont
24h01, la revue belge de grands reportages

Effect of changing size and composition of a crop model ensemble on impact and adaptation response surfaces

R. Ferrise , I.J. Lorite , P. Stratonovitch , A. Mechiche-Alami
FACCE MACSUR Reports 10 02

Applying adaptation response surfaces for managing wheat under perturbed climate and elevated CO2 in a Mediterranean environment

Roberto Ferrise , Ignacio J. Lorite , Pierre Stratonovitch , Claas Nendel

Prediction of Evapotranspiration and Yields of Maize: An Inter-comparison among 29 Maize Models

Bruce A Kimball , Kenneth J Boote , Jerry L Hatfield , Laj R Ahuja
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2016)