Rafael Rebolo López
Revista española de física 17 ( 4) 29 -33
Planck Collaboration , PAR Ade , N Aghanim , C Armitage-Caplan
0004-6361 571 22 -22
Nabila Aghanim , Charmaine Armitage-Caplan , Monique Arnaud , Mark Ashdown
Astronomy & Astrophysics 571 A3 -32
Ade Abergel , Peter AR Ade , N Aghanim , MIR Alves
A&A 571 A11 -A11
Rafael Rebolo López
Universidad de La Laguna
R Rebolo , JE Beckman ,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 201 ( 2) 267 -272
A Magazzu , EL Martin , R Rebolo ,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 249 ( 1) 149 -155
Eduardo L Martin , Rafael Rebolo ,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 274 ( 1) 274 -278
R. J. Garcia Lopez , Y. V. Pavlenko , R. Rebolo , E. L. Martin
Astronomy and Astrophysics 303 807
N Mandolesi , GF Smoot , M Bersanelli , C Cesarsky
Astrophysical Letters & Communications 32 309
R Rebolo , P Molaro , JE Beckman ,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 192 192 -205
Y. Pavlenko , R. Rebolo , E. L. Martin
Astronomy and Astrophysics 326 ( 2) 731 -735
C Abia , HMJ Boffin , J Isern , R Rebolo
Astronomy and Astrophysics 272 ( 2) 455 -464
R Rebolo ,
Revista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica 16 89 -91
K Leech , B Altieri , L Metcalfe , EL Martin
From Giant Planets to Cool Stars 212 82
RJ Garcia-Lopez , R Rebolo , JE Beckman , CD McKeith
Astronomy and Astrophysics 273 ( 2) 482 -502
R. J. Garcia Lopez , M. R. Zapatero Osorio , R. Rebolo , E. L. Martin
arXiv: Astrophysics
EL Martin , A Magazzu , R Rebolo ,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 257 ( 1) 186 -198
C Abia , R Rebolo , JE Beckman , L Crivellari
Astronomy and Astrophysics 206 ( 1) 100 -107
C Abia , HMJ Boffin , J Isern , R Rebolo
Astronomy and Astrophysics 245 ( 1) 1 -6