Introduction to functional magnetic resonance imaging

Iain D. Wilkinson , Krish D. Singh , Charles A.J. Romanowski , Daniella Montaldi
Medical Science Monitor 5 ( 6)

The relation between MRI neuroactivation changes and response rate on a word-fluency task.

Barrie Condon , Daniella Montaldi , J.T. Lindsay Wilson , Donald Hadley
Applied Neuropsychology 4 ( 4) 201 -207

Neuroimaging of the Fornix: present and future.

Seralynne Denise Vann , John Patrick Aggleton , D. Montaldi , C. Denby
Neuroscience Imaging. 2008;2. 2

Recognition memory strength is predicted by pupillary responses and fixation patterns at encoding

D. Montaldi , A. Kafkas
In: British Neuroscience Association; 21 Apr 2009; Liverpool. British Neuroscience Association; 2009.

Contrasting the Neural Correlates of Familiarity and Novelty Contributions to Recognition Memory

A. Kafkas , D. Montaldi
In: Organization for Human Brain Mapping; 06 Jun 2010-10 Jun 2010; Barcelona. 2010.

Familiarity and novelty contributions to recognition memory: A mixed-design fMRI study

D. Montaldi , A. Kafkas
In: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting; 17 Oct 2010-21 Oct 2010; Chicago. Society for Neuroscience ; 2010.

Investigation of the Perception of Fabric Hand Using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging [fMRI]

R. H. Gong , A. Bhatia , L. J. Gregory , D. Montaldi
In: Researches and Progresses of Modern Technology on Silk, Textile and Mechanicals: Researches and Progresses of Modern Technology on Silk, Textile and Mechanicals; Suzhou, China. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press; 2007. p. 221-226. 221 -226

Pupillary Responses Discriminate Familiarity and Novelty Detection Processes

D. Montaldi , A. Kafkas
In: Cognitive Neuroscience Society; San Francisco . 2008.

Hippocampus is only sensitive to amount recollected, not to recollection strength

E. Migo , D. Montaldi , T. Gholipour , A. Kafkas
In: British Neuroscience Association Abstract: British Neuroscience Association ; London. 2013. p. 387.

Use of HMPAO to investigate memory function in patients with amnesia

D. Montaldi , D. Hadley , J. Patterson , Dj. Wyper
John Libbey Publishing Ltd

Response specificity in the medial temporal lobe during recognition of novel objects, faces and scenes: A mixed-design fMRI experiment

M.D. Kopelman , D. Montaldi , A. Kafkas , A.R. Mayes
In: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting; San Diego. 2013.

The value of Neuroradiological Approaches in the Study of Organic amnesia

D. Montaldi , Ar. Mayers
In: Case studies in the Neuropsychology of Memory. Hove: Erlbaum (UK) Taylor and Francis; 1997..

Cortical activation during word associative, face associative, and word-face associative encoding

C.E. Mackay , A.R. Mayes , J.J. Downes , D. Tsivilis
NeuroImage 11 ( 5)

The activating effects of encoding items and different kinds of association

A.R. Mayes , D. Montaldi , C.E. Mackay , D. Tsivilis
NeuroImage 11 ( 5)

Activation within the medial temporal lobe as a function of associative novelty and subsequent recognition

N.M. Hunkin , T.J. Spencer , D. Montaldi , Y. Zheng
NeuroImage 11 ( 5)

When is positive really positive in the interpretation of fMRI activations

C.E. Mackay , K.D. Singh , D. Montaldi , A.R. Mayes
NeuroImage 11 ( 5)