Karen Bakker , Michelle Kooy , Nur Endah Shofiani , Ernst-Jan Martijn
World Development 36 ( 10) 1891 -1915
Michelle Kooy , Kathryn Furlong , Vanessa Lamb
International Development Planning Review 42 ( 3) 381 -390
Maria Rusca , Cecilia Alda-Vidal , Michelle Kooy
Cambridge University Press 210 -225
Kevin McGuigan , Ronan Conroy , Eric Clarke , Pilar Fernandez Ibanez
WATERSPOUTT Research Project
Amber Wutich , Wendy E Jepson , Justin Stoler , Patrick Thomson
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 57 ( 4) 530 -538
Jean-Philippe Venot , Jeroen Vos , François Molle , Margreet Zwarteveen
Nature Sustainability 5 ( 2) 92 -92
Gert Jan Veldwisch , Marcel Kuper , Anna Mdee , Maurits Ertsen
Maria Rusca , Cecilia Alda-Vidal , Michelle Kooy
Water justice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi. org/10.1063/1.1818742
Michelle Kooy , Vern Scarborough , Jan Seibert , Nigel Wright
Michelle Kooy , Karen Bakker
Michelle Kooy , Karen Bakker , Susanne Frank , Matthew Gandy
workshop ‘Placing Splintering Urbanism: Changing Network Service Provision and Urban Dynamics in Cross-National Perspective 22 -24
Michelle Kooy
Water Alternatives 7 35 -53
Michelle Kooy , Carolin Tina Walter , Indrawan Prabaharyaka
Habitat International 73 109 -118
Daniel Harris , Michelle Kooy , Lindsey Jones
Overseas Development Institute
Rossella Alba , Michelle Kooy , Antje Bruns
Environment and Planning E: Nature and space 5 ( 1) 250 -271
Michelle Kooy , Leni Wild
ODI working paper 44 -44
Michelle Kooy , Sarah Bailey
ODI Working Paper 56 -56
Michelle Kooy , Karen Bakker
Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde 63 -63
Bosman Batubara , Michelle Kooy , Yves Van Leynseele , Margreet Zwarteveen
The Journal of Peasant Studies 50 ( 3) 1207 -1226
Bosman Batubara , Michelle Kooy , Margreet Zwarteveen
Geoforum 139 103689 -103689