Effect of Field-Aligned Potentials on Angular Momentum Transfer at Jupiter and Saturn

Fran Bagenal , Peter Delamere , Licia Ray , Robert Ergun
cosp 37 2569

JADE observations highlights

Fran Bagenal , Frederic Allegrini , George Hospodarsky , David McComas
EGUGA 9442

Global Structure and Dynamics of Jupiter's Magnetosphere

Fran Bagenal , Peter Delamere
EGUGA 1071

The absence of a dawn cushion region in Jupiter's outer magnetosphere

Gina A. DiBraccio , Fran Bagenal , William S. Kurth , George Hospodarsky
EGUGA 7546

Sputtering of the Europa surface by thermal ions from the torus and pickup ions in a diverted flow

Fran Bagenal , Peter A. Delamere , Frank Crary , Vincent J. Dols
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #48 48

Loss and source mechanisms of Jupiter's radiation belts near the inner boundary of trapping regions

Andrew P. Ingersoll , John E. P. Connerney , Fran Bagenal , Daniel Santos-Costa
EGUGA 5677

Observations of Jupiter's polar magnetosphere from the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE)

Jack Connerney , Fran Bagenal , Frederic Allegrini , Michelle Reno
EGUGA 9534

First results from the infrared Juno spectral/imager JIRAM at Jupiter

Glenn S. Orton , Francesca Altieri , Andrew P. Ingersoll , Jack E. P. Connerney
EGUGA 14452

A 3D tomographic reconstruction method to analyze Jupiter's electron-belt emission observations

John E. P. Connerney , Fran Bagenal , Daniel Santos-Costa , Fuminori Tsuchiya
EGUGA 5693

Recent Juno-UVS Observations of Jupiter's Auroras

Randy Gladstone , Thomas Greathouse , Maarten Versteeg , Vincent Hue
EPSC 2019

The Pluto System: Initial Results from the Exploration by New Horizons

SA Stern , Harold Weaver , Leslie Young , Catherine Olkin
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #47

New Horizons at Pluto: Asking the right questions

Leslie Young , S Alan Stern , Catherine B Olkin , John R Spencer
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #48

Juno/JIRAM infrared observations of Jupiter Aurorae

Francesca Altieri , Alessandra Migliorini , Jack E. P. Connerney , Jonathan Lunine
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 10095

Generation of the jovian radio emission by the maser cyclotron instability: first lessons from JUNO

John Connerney , Fran Bagenal , Frederic Allegrini , Robert W. Ebert
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17685

Pluto, Near and Far: PEPSSI Measurements of Energetic Particles During the New Horizons Flyby and Investigating a Pluto Torus of Circumsolar Neutral Gas

Eric Zirnstein , Jon Vandegriff , Stamatios M. Krimigis , Fran Bagenal
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #47

The Lyman‐α Sky Background as Observed by New Horizons

G Randall Gladstone , Wayne R Pryor , S Alan Stern , Kimberly Ennico
Geophysical Research Letters 45 ( 16) 8022 -8028

Solar wind interaction with Pluto’s escaping atmosphere

S. M. Krimigis , Fran Bagenal , M. Horanyi , H. A. Elliott
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #47 47

Is the Magnetosphere of Jupiter a Colossal Comet? What will NASA's Juno Reveal?

Fran Bagenal
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #220 220