Matteo Mario Savino , Alessandro Brun , Carlo Riccio
European Journal of Industrial Engineering 5 ( 2) 132 -169
Matteo Mario Savino , Alessandro Brun , Chen Xiang
European Journal of Industrial Engineering 11 ( 1) 78 -100
Hakan Karaosman , , Patsy Perry , Alessandro Brun
Global Fashion Management Conference 2017 270 -274
Alessandro Brun , Maria Caridi
InTech 1 469 -488
Bertha Viviana Ruales Guzmán , Alessandro Brun , Oscar Fernando Castellanos Domínguez
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 68 ( 4) 675 -698
Alessandro Brun , Matteo Mario Savino
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 35 ( 9) 1709 -1733
Luca Cagnazzo , Paolo Taticchi , Alessandro Brun
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 59 ( 2) 163 -185
Alessandro Brun , Donatella Corti , Alessandro Pozzetti
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 25 ( 3) 313 -329
Alessandro Brun , Cecilia Castelli
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 41 ( 8) 823 -847
Galia Novakova , Alessandro Brun
SAE Technical Paper Series 1 -13
Alessandro Brun , Galia Novakova
SAE Technical Paper Series 1 -16
Hakan Karaosman , Alessandro Brun , Gustavo Morales Alonso
Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology 1 ( 4) 1 -12
Alessandro Brun , Margherita Pero
International Journal of Business Excellence 4 ( 3) 346 -370
Matteo M. Savino , Alessandro Brun , Antonio Mazza
Computers in Industry 65 ( 6) 967 -975
Alessandro Brun
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham 1 -17
Alessandro Brun
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham 189 -216
Letizia Tebaldi , Alessandro Brun , Eleonora Bottani
Sustainable Production and Consumption 33 651 -663
Alessandro Brun , Hakan Karaosman
Smpte Journal
Alessandro Brun , M Poletti , Sergio Terzi
Ischia, Italy 1 -14
Sergio Cavalieri , Alessandro Brun , Galia Novakova
IMS-Inteligent Manufacturing Systems ND -ND