Report on the Workshop “Learning from Citizen Science after Fukushima", February 27th 2019 in Brussels

Michiel Van Oudheusden , Joke Kenens , Go Yoshizawa , Nozomi Mizushima
DRMKC Newsletter XVII

Mitigating the Insider Threat at Chemical Facilities with Precursors to Explosives

Ahmed Nagy , Michiel Van Oudheusden , Christine Tomic
ENCO ( ENCO-FR-(19)-12/MAY 2019)

Middaggesprek over burgerwetenschap

Michiel Van Oudheusden
Middaggesprek Hollands College-Burgerwetenschap

Imagining" engagement": A hands-on experiment

Michiel Van Oudheusden , Bieke Abelshausen , Catrinel Turcanu , Christiane Pölzl-Viol
ERPW 2018-3d European Radiation Protection Week

From the Sidelines to Center Stage? Implementing'Responsible Research and Innovation'in Radiation Protection Researchc

Michiel Van Oudheusden , Catrinel Turcanu , Susan Molyneux-Hodgson
Nuclear Futures: Re-making sociotechnical research agendas Seminar 6

Putting Responsibility Centre-Stage: The Case Of Responsible Stagnation

Fabien Medvecky , Michiel Van Oudheusden
TRANSnational STS

De waarheid voorbij? Wetenschap en emotie in een tijd van post-truth

Michiel Van Oudheusden
Nationale Milieudag 2018

Ten years later: Flemish Technology Assessment is Dead. Long Live Responsible Research and Innovation.

Michiel Van Oudheusden
Anticipatory Technologies Data and Disorientation-2018 Annual S. NET Meeting

Living apart together: a case study of the interaction between citizen science and institutions in the field of radiation monitoring in Japan

Joke Kenens , Ine Van Hoyweghen , Michiel Van Oudheusden
Technoscience from Below–7th STS Italia Conference

Managing uncertainties through citizen science: the case of Fukushima

Michiel Van Oudheusden , Joke Kenens , Catrinel Turcanu
Ricomet 2018 Social Sciences and Humanities in Ionising Radiation

Science by, with, or for citizens? Reframing “citizen science” through radiation monitoring in post-Fukushima Japan

Michiel Van Oudheusden
4th NERIS workshop" Adapting nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness, response and recovery to a changing world"

Truth at Risk? Risking Science in a Post-Truth Age

Michiel Van Oudheusden , Frédéric Claisse
SRA-Benelux Conference" Change in Risk-Risk in Change"

Radiation Monitoring after Fukushima: Rearticulating “Citizen Science” as Active Citizenship

Michiel Van Oudheusden , Go Yoshizawa
2018 EASST Conference-Making Science, Technology and Society together

Science for citizens or by citizens? Exploring grassroots monitoring after Fukushima

Joke Kenens , Ine Van Hoyweghen , Michiel Van Oudheusden
4th NERIS Workshop, Date: 2018/04/25-2018/04/27, Location: Dublin

(Un) taming Citizen Science–Policies, Practices, People

Michiel Van Oudheusden , Ine Van Hoyweghen
International Workshop on (Un) taming Citizen Science

How microbes network (and are networked) in geological disposal research: a sociological perspective

Michiel Van Oudheusden , Jantine Schröder , Catrinel Turcanu
Project Annual Meeting of the European project MIND (Microbiology in nuclear waste disposal)

Governing radioactive waste in the interim: A cross-national comparison

Michiel Van Oudheusden

Multiple roadmapping, scenario planning and technology assessment: The case of nanotechnologies

Michiel Van Oudheusden
Radiation Protection Research: An Interdisciplinary exercise on Research Agendas, Roadmaps and Societal Scenarios

Des variétés de bêtise savante et de leur dénonciation: un plaidoyer pour le bullshit

Frédéric Claisse , Michiel Van Oudheusden
Séminaire Littérature (XIX-XXIe s.): Histoire, société, institutions, discours