Bozidar Stojadinovic , Eric Delé , Li Sun , Max Didier
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP12)
Bozidar Stojadinovic , Li Sun , Max Didier
Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems (Proceedings of the 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015) 4389 -4397
Marco Broccardo , Bozidar Stojadinovic , Max Didier , Simona Esposito
2nd International Workshop on Modelling of Physical, Economic and Social Systems
Giuseppe Abbiati , Marco Broccardo , Bozidar Stojadinovic , Max Didier
Proceedings of the 10th Australasian Masonry Conference 162 -173
Bozidar Stojadinovic , Max Didier , Simona Esposito
Safety, Reliability, Risk, Resilience and Sustainability of Structures and Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR2017) 3127 -3136
Max Didier , Li Sun , Siddhartha Ghosh , Bozidar Stojadinovic
5th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 1451 -1461
Max Didier , Salome Baumberger , Roman Tobler , Simona Esposito
Journal of Structural Engineering-asce 144 ( 6) 04018043
Max Didier , Salome Baumberger , Roman Tobler , Simona Esposito
Earthquake Spectra 33 415 -438
Max Didier , Simona Esposito , Božidar Stojadinović
Routledge Handbook of Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 325 -340
Michel Bruneau , Gian-Paolo Cimellaro , Max Didier , Marco Domaneschi
CRC Press 1 -42
Max Didier , Marco Broccardo , Simona Esposito , Bozidar Stojadinovic
Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 3 ( 2) 86 -102
Marco Domaneschi , Gian Paolo Cimellaro , Lili Xie , Michel Bruneau
International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems 5 ( 1-2) 50 -89
Max Didier , Benedikt Grauvogl , Aike Steentoft , Marco Broccardo
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering 1 -11
Max Didier , Giuseppe Abbiati , Marco Broccardo , Katrin Beyer
13th Canadian Masonry Symposium
Giuseppe Abbiati , Marco Broccardo , Max Didier , Katrin Beyer
Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering 10664 -10664
Max Didier , Siddhartha Ghosh , Bozidar Stojadinovic
Nepal Engineers’ Association Technical Journal
Max Didier , Marco Broccardo , Simona Esposito , Bozidar Stojadinovic
Proceedings of 11 US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Max Didier , Marco Broccardo , Simona Esposito , Bozidar Stojadinovic
Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE) 11261 -11261
Nikola Blagojević , Max Didier , Božidar Stojadinović
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 228 108747 -108747