作者: Max Didier , Marco Broccardo , Simona Esposito , Bozidar Stojadinovic
摘要: Water supply and distribution systems provide the (potable) water supply used by communities for drinking water, hygienic and sanitary reasons, industry and agriculture. The Re-CoDeS frameworks allows to quantify the (seismic) resilience of these systems using a compositional community demand / civil infrastructure system supply approach. The resilience is evaluated by comparing the evolution of the post-disaster water demand to the evolution of the post-disaster water supply. The application of the Re-CoDeS framework is shown for the assessment of the resilience of the water systems of the Kathmandu Valley. First, the damage suffered by the water systems after the 2015 Gorkha earthquake is described. Based on the available data and input, all the steps to evaluate the water demand and supply after an earthquake are introduced. These allow to quantify the resilience of the water distribution and supply system of the Kathmandu Valley during and after future earthquakes and to design retrofitting measures and recovery plans accordingly.