Frederick A Kamke , Harrison Sizemore III
Christopher A Lenth , Frederick A Kamke
Wood and fiber science 153 -167
Frederick A Kamke
Proceedings of 4th IUFRO International Wood Drying Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 1994
Howard P Groger , Frederick A Kamke , Russell J Churchill
Chris Gabrielli , Frederick A Kamke
Forest Products Journal 58 ( 12)
Jože Resnik , Milan Šernek , Frederick A Kamke
Wood and fiber science 264 -271
Frederick A Kamke
( FPL-GTR-149) 3 -18
Daniel Way , Frederick A Kamke , Arijit Sinha
Wood Material Science & Engineering
Jože Resnik , Frederick A Kamke
Frederick A Kamke , James B Wilson
35 ( 9) 32 -40
Frederick A Kamke , Vardan Rathi
Proceedings of the 4th European conference on wood modification, Stockholm, Sweden 397 -400
Frederick A Kamke
Joint EWPAA-FWPA Symposium. Queensland
Cheney Vidrine , Frederick A Kamke , Jeffrey Morrell , Alan Preston
Proceedings,... annual meeting of the American Wood Protection Association
Frederick A Kamke , John A Nairn
Advances in Structural Adhesive Bonding 417 -455
Jerrold E Winandy , Frederick A Kamke
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory ( 149)
Balkis FA Bakar , Frederick A Kamke
Polymers 13 ( 23) 4055 -4055
Mansur Ahmad , Frederick A Kamke
Proceeding of Inter American Conference on Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies in Ecological and Sustainable Construction,(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2005) 21 -27
Frederick A Kamke
Frederick A Kamke , Luis Molina Irribarra , Scott Leavengood
Wood Material Science & Engineering 18 ( 1) 29 -34
Luis Molina Irribarra , Frederick A Kamke , Scott Leavengood
Forest Products Journal 72 ( 4) 235 -240