Alessandra Tosi
TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
Alfredo Vellido , Alessandra Tosi
the european symposium on artificial neural networks 555 -560
Alessandra Tosi , Luis Antonio Belanche Muñoz
the european symposium on artificial neural networks 363 -368
Michael A. Osborne , Stephen J. Roberts , Alessandra Tosi , Justin Bewsher
international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics 1412 -1420
Lluís A. Belanche , Alessandra Tosi
Neurocomputing 112 19 -25
Baljit Riar , Jaehwa Lee , Alessandra Tosi , Stephen Duncan
international symposium on power electronics for distributed generation systems 1 -7
Alessandra Tosi , Iván Olier , Alfredo Vellido
Advances in self-organizing maps and learning vector quantization: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop, WSOM 2014, Mittweida, Germany, July, 2-4, 2014 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; 295) 55 -64
Neil Dhir , Tomasz Rudny , Davide Zilli , Alessandra Tosi
2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 1 -8
Jaehwa Lee , Pengfei Zhang , Leong Kit Gan , David A. Howey
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 6 ( 4) 1783 -1795
Alessandra Tosi , Søoren Hauberg , DTU Compute , Alfredo Vellido
30th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2014)
Alessandra Tosi , Alfredo Vellido
ESANN 12 203 -208
Alessandra Tosi , Alfredo Vellido
Proceedings of the Workshop on Features and Structures (FEAST 2014) International Conference on Pattern Recogni-tion (ICPR 2014), Stockholm, Sweden
Gabriele Abbati , Alessandra Tosi , Mind Foundry , Michael A Osborne
international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics 226 -234
Neil Dhir , Davide Zilli , Alessandra Rudny , Tomasz
AutoML Workshop at the 35th International Conference in Machine Learning
Alessandra Tosi , Luca Migliorini
Universitá di Bologna
Luca Migliorini , Alessandra Tosi