Thomas Koch
Künstliche Intelligenz, GWAI-88, 12. Jahrestagung 186 -195
Gerd Woetzel , Elke Hinrichs , Carla Valle , Karl-Heinz Klein
CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings
Steffen Budweg , Gunnar Stevens , Thomas Koch , Bettina Törpel
Mensch & Computer 77 -86
Reinhard M. Staebler , Bryan J. Miller , Paul J. Rakow , Thomas Koch
Journal of ship production 20 ( 4) 262 -268
Thomas Koch , Joachim Soergel
Ports & Harbors
Thomas Koch
Container Management
Thomas Koch , Wolfgang Appelt
Interaktion im Web 113 -124
Thomas Koch , Vlado Vorisek , Hermann Fischer
design, automation, and test in europe 3 30120
Thomas Koch
한국무역학회 국제학술대회 451 -468
Bahram Jalali , Thomas Koch
optical fiber communication conference
Thomas Koch , Rodrigo Diaz
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2016 AES International Conference on Headphone Technology
Thomas Koch , Bernd Krä mer
Distributed Systems Engineering 3 ( 2) 104 -114
Christian B Westermann , Wolfram Luithardt , Ernest Kopp , Thomas Koch
Measurement Science and Technology 12 ( 9) 1594 -1603
Thomas Koch , Corinna Bergmann , Martin Ptok
Laryngo-rhino-otologie 98 ( 06) 413 -420
Reimund Neugebauer , Steffen Ihlenfeldt , Thomas Koch
ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 100 ( 7-8) 385 -391
Thach G. Nguyen , Ravi S. Tummidi , Thomas Koch , Arnan Mitchell
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference 1 -2
Wolfgang Appelt , Uwe Busbach , Thomas Koch
CSCW-Kompendium 194 -203
Thomas Kalbe , Thomas Koch , Michael Goesele
international symposium on visual computing 596 -607
Serafim Papathanassiou , Thomas Koch , Marie Charlot Suhling , Thomas Lenarz
Laryngoscope investigative otolaryngology 4 ( 4) 393 -398