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ACVR1 (activin A receptor, type I)

CA Rainho , SR Rogatto
Atlas of genetics and cytogenetics in oncology and haematology 17 ( 10) 670 -677

Genetic instability in nerve sheath cell tumors

CA Rainho , Cacilda Casartelli , J Barbierineto , Silvia Regina Rogatto
Revista Brasileira de Genética 459 -467

Anormalidades cromossomicas recorrentes na progressao de tumores astrociticos

SR Rogatto , CA Rainho , J Barbieri Neto , C Casartelli
Revista Brasileira de Genetica= Brazilian Journal of Genetics 17 ( 3 suppl.) 117 -117

Aberracoes cromossomicas recorrentes em tumores da bainha neural

SR Rogatto , CA Rainho , J Barbieri Neto , C Casartelli

Perda de cromossomos sexuais em neoplasias humanas do sistema nervoso central

CA Rainho , SR Rogatto , J Barbieri Neto , C Casartelli
Revista Brasileira de Genetica= Brazilian Journal of Genetics 16 ( 3 suppl.) 136 -136

Avaliacao clinica histopatologica e cromossomica em um hemangioendotelioma mioxide

CA Rainho , SR Rogatto , SM Georgeto , J Barbieri Neto
Revista Brasileira de Genetica= Brazilian Journal of Genetics 15 ( 1) 53 -53

Caracterizacao cromossomica de lesoes expansivas do sistema nervoso

CA Rainho , J Barbieri Neto , SR Rogatto , LMB Cavalieri
Revista Brasileira de Genetica 15

Tumors of the nervous system which have been poorly evaluated cytogenetically

SR Rogatto , C Casartelli , CA Rainho , J Barbieri Neto
Revista Brasileira de Genetica 15 ( 1) 79 -79

Concomitant TP53 mutation in early-stage resected EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer: a narrative approach in a genetically admixed Brazilian cohort

J Machado-Rugolo , CM Baldavira , TG Prieto , EHR Olivieri
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 56 e12488 -e12488

Clinical outcome of Brazilian patients with non-small cell lung cancer in early stage harboring rare mutations in epidermal growth factor receptor

J Machado-Rugolo , CM Baldavira , TG Prieto , EHR Olivieri
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 55 e12409 -e12409

Impact of natural compounds in the DNA methylation of RASSF1A in triple-negative breast cancer cell lines and epi-drug discovery

CA Rainho , JHM Assumpcao , FAS France , DP Callegari
European Journal Of Human Genetics 744 -745

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Analysis of the DNA methylation of the H19 gene in human bladder cancer

Mariana B Reis , Priscila M Ramos , João LV Camargo , Cláudia A Rainho
BMC Proceedings 7 ( 2) 47

Expression and promoter methylation status of two DNA repair genes in leukocytes from patients undergoing propofol or isoflurane anaesthesia.

Cristiana M M Freire , Mariana G Braz , João Paulo C Marcondes , Nayara M Arruda
Mutagenesis 33 ( 2) 147 -152

CDH1 promoter hypermethylation and E-cadherin protein expression in infiltrating breast cancer

José Roberto F Caldeira , Érika C Prando , Francisco C Quevedo , Francisco A Moraes Neto
BMC Cancer 6 ( 1) 48 -48

DNA methylation patterns in bladder cancer and washing cell sediments: a perspective for tumor recurrence detection

Priscilla D Negraes , Francine P Favaro , João Lauro V Camargo , Maria Luiza CS Oliveira
BMC Cancer 8 ( 1) 238 -238